
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act would, or could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any person
Section 33(1)(e)(iii) of the Archives Act 1983


closed files

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is the average age of closed files that cite this reason, based on the date of their earliest content


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When were closed files citing this reason being created?
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When were access decisions that cite this reason made?
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What series contain most closed files citing this reason?
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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A12389 BB4 The [portion of title exempt] Case - January 1975 1966 - 1975
A12389 BB9 [portion of title exempt] Operations - March 1975 1972 - 1975
A3269 R14/H [SRD (Services Reconnaissance Department) Technical Section] Sabotage Handbook. Handbook of Home-made devices 1942 - 1942
A12389 BB2 [portion of title exempt] Production October 1971 - April 1973 1971 - 1973
A6119 439 HEISER, Ronald Oswald 1949 - 1959
A6119 6270 ROMANOV, Nicolai 1957 - 1957
A12389 BB12 ASIS Station [portion of title exempt] Background - January 1975 1955 - 1975
A12389 BB3 The [portion of title exempt] Case - January 1975 1970 - 1975
A6122 579 Communist Party of Australia ( CPA ) Newcastle / Hunter Valley ( Branch / District ) Volume 1 1939 - 1955
A12389 BB5 The [portion of title exempt] Case - January 1975 1969 - 1975
A12389 BB6 The [portion of title exempt] Case - January 1975 1972 - 1975
A12389 BB1 ASIS Station [portion of title exempt] 1970 - 1974
AWM54 179/1/6 [Chemical Warfare - General:] Chemical Warfare Information Bulletins - Nos 1,2,3 and 9 1943 - 1943
E1008 RBD102 Reserve Bank of Australia Reflected ceiling plans 1966 - 1966
A12389 BB14 The [portion of title exempt] Case - November 1975 1975 - 1975
A12389 BB8 The [portion of title exempt] Case - January 1975 1972 - 1975
A12389 BB7 The [portion of title exempt] Case - January 1975 1966 - 1975
AWM98 167 [Headquarters Australian Force Vietnam (HQ AFV) - Unregistered items:] [Intelligence (Int)] VC/NVA/Allied [Viet Cong/North Vietnamese Army] Use of Riot Control Agents 1969 - 1969
E1008 RBD101 Reserve Bank of Australia - Elevations and sections 1966 - 1966
E1008 RBD100 Reserve Bank of Australia - Working drawing - Site, floor and roof plans 1966 - 1966