
displaying 201 - 300 items in total 335
Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A432 1932/37 Wheat Bounty Act 1931 - Effect of South Australian Farmers' Relief Act 1931 and the South Australian Debt Adjustment Acts 1929 and 1930 on payments to growers. 1932 - 1932
A432 1932/374 Treaty of Peace Regulations. Whether money payable to a person in Germany may be transmitted without restriction. Refusal to disclose information desired by a Public Trustee: Whether Public Trustee can compel disclosure: Regulation 15A 1932 - 1932
A432 1932/387 Customs Act 1901-30, Section 154. Glass Marbles imported by Ayers and James Pty. Ltd. from Akro Agate Co., United States of America. Question of prosecution. 1932 - 1932
A432 1932/464 Estate Duty Assessment Act 1914-28. Estate Late J J.E.H. Fraser 1932 - 1932
A432 1932/471 Land and Income Tax Assessment Act 1907/24 of W.A. Sect. 10 (1) (c). Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth 1932 - 1932
A432 1932/477 Land Tax Assessment Act 1910-28 Trustees of Settlement (S.C.B. Turner and Others) dated 9.12.1904. 1932 - 1932
A432 1932/502 Sales Tax. Roberts Mance - facturing Co. Ltd. Contract entered into prior to 16.7.30 1932 - 1932
A432 1932/550 Land Tax Assessment Act 1910 - 30, Section 56 Registration of Federal Land Tax Charges 1932 - 1938
A432 1932/551 Australian Soldiers Repatriation Act 1920-29. Section 44/2 Crimes Act 1914-28 Section 21B: re Prosecution of Mrs E. White 1932 - 1932
A432 1932/576 Land Tax Assessment Act 1910-30, Sects. 27/3 and 28: Mosman Golf Club Ltd. Lease from the Commonwealth Liability for Land Tax 1932 - 1932
A432 1932/582 N.T. Lands: Adjoining Blocks Leased to Same Lessee: Covenant in each lease to erect building: Building erected on one and partly on other block Application for grant in fee simple. Whether building covenant complied with: Crown Land Ordinance 1931, Section No. 79 and 80 1932 - 1932
A432 1932/642 Land Tax Assessment Act 1910-1930 Trustees Brisbane Racecourse 1932 - 1932
A432 1932/647 Financial Agreements Enforcement Acts 1932 New South Wales Totalisator Tax Lachlan Picnic Race Club 1932 - 1932
A432 1933/101 FCT [Federal Capital Territory]. Lease under Leases Ordinance 1918-27 Whether the Lessor or the lessee is bound to replace an erection which is beyond repair 1933 - 1933
A432 1933/197 FCT (Federal Capital Territory): Whether charges for treatment at the hospital at Canberra can be recovered from an infant. 1933 - 1933
A432 1933/198 Insurance Acts 1932: Tokio marine and Fire Insurance Co. Ltd., and Imperial Marine & Fire Insurance Co. Ltd. 1933 - 1933
A432 1933/201 Claim by W.J. Stone in respect of moneys alleged to have been wrongfully withdrawn from his Savings Bank account. 1933 - 1933
A432 1933/206 Exemptions from payment of tax provided in sub-sections 20 (1) (d) (e) & (f) of Sales Tax Ass't Act (no. 1), 1930-32. 1933 - 1933
A432 1934/1984 Migrant Land Settlement Correspondence with Victorian Govt 1933 - 1933
A432 1934/311 Customs Act 1901-1930. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company of Tasmania Limited. 1934 - 1934
A432 1934/626 Tibaldi G. Naturalization 1934 - 1934
A432 1935/134 Sugar Agreement Act 1932 - Sugar Agreement Clause 8 Claim by Nestle & Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Co (Australia) Ltd. for Rebate on Goods lost ex "Coramba" 1935 - 1935
A432 1935/229 Territory for the Seat of Government. Opening of new road: procedure to be followed. 1935 - 1935
A432 1935/324 Territory for the seat of Government. Letters received containing money orders for purchase of tickets in Adam's Tattersalls consultation. Whether an offence committed. 1935 - 1935
A432 1935/68 Income Tax: Right of a State to Tax the Commonwealth. Remuneration of an Officer of the Commonwealth. (C.S. Opin. No. 4/1935) 1935 - 1935
A432 1935/918 Superannuation Act 1871 of Western Australia: Retirement of & Grant of Pension to George Hearn, formerly line inspector PMG's Department, Western Australia 1935 - 1935
A432 1943/102 Income Tax Assessment Act 1936-42. Section 221C Employees entitled to receive salary or Wages in Respect of a week or any part thereof. 1943 - 1943
A432 1945/1224 Universities Commission Bill 1945. Education Bill 1945 1944 - 1945
A432 1947/121 Walter Gates - Prosecuted under Crimes Act (Stealing) 1947 - 1949
A432 1947/288 United Nations Trusteeship Council 1947 - 1948
A432 1949/90 Colin Edward Gates - Edward Lance Thorp - [portion of title exempt] 1949 - 1950
A432 1950/652 Dennis James Beaver - [portion of title exempt] 1950 - 1950
A432 1950/737 Proposed Amendments to the Naval Defence Act - Deserters from HMA Ships Visiting British Waters 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1953/2560 Disclosure of Patents and Technical Information to Contractors Engaged on Defence Projects 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1953/3233 United Kingdom Claims in the Antarctic 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1954/3003 Mica Milojevic - Extradition from Aust. to Yugoslavia 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1955/4422 PART 3 Communist Party - General 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1958/3005 PART 1 Indonesia - Territorial Limits 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1958/3005 PART 3 Indonesia - Territorial Waters 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1960/2127 Article in Radical Journal, University of Western Australia Labour Club - Crimes Act Sections 70, 79, 86(b) 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1961/2560 Trial in the Supreme Court of Christmas Island [modified title, original item title partially exempt] 1961 - 1962
A432 1962/3115 Papua and New Guinea - Fixing of Border with West New Guinea 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1963/3173 PART 1 Antarctic Treaty - Draft Convention on Conservation of Wild Life 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1963/3173 PART 2 Antarctic Treaty - Draft Convention on Conservation of Wild Life 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1963/3173 PART 3 Antarctic Treaty - Draft Convention on Conservation of Wild Life 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1963/3173 PART 4 Antarctic Treaty - Draft Convention on Conservation of Wild Life 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1963/3173 PART 5 Antarctic Treaty - Draft convention on conservation of wildlife 1970 - 1979
A432 1963/3173 PART 6 Antarctic Treaty - Draft convention on conservation of wildlife (now known as agreed measures on the conservation of antarctic flora and fauna) 1979 - 1980
A432 1963/3251 Indonesia - Instructions to HMA Ships in Event of Interference with Commonwealth Shipping 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A432 1963/4253 Courts Martial Proceedings Correspondence 1954 to May 1960 1954 - 1960
A432 1967/2301 Extradition - Residents of Australia suspected of war crimes 1961 - 1987
A432 1967/2734 Extradition (Foreign States) Act 1966 Practice - to and from USA, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Greece 1971 - 1981
A432 1968/2197 Shooting of Yugoslav in Act - press reports of Ustashi activity 1968 - 1968
A432 1969/2555 Bomb attack on Yugoslav Consulate General - Sydney 1969 - 1969
A432 1969/3072 ATTACHMENT 1 Wilfred Graham Burchett 1954 - 1954
A432 1969/3072 ATTACHMENT 1 W.G. Burchett 1953 - 1954
A432 1969/3072 ATTACHMENT 2 Wilfred Graham Burchett 1953 - 1954
A432 1969/3072 ATTACHMENT 2 W.G. Burchett 1953 - 1954
A432 1969/3201 PART 5 Mining in Territorial Sea - reconsideration of Commonwealth Constitutional Position 1970 - 1971
A432 1969/3364 Sixth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting 1970 1969 - 1971
A432 1969/53 Joint Defence Space Research Facility - Alice Springs - Post Office 1968 - 1970
A432 1970/3246 PART 1 Gazelle Peninsula - situation reports 1970 - 1970
A432 1971/2616 Bombing of Yugoslav Consulate, Melbourne - 21 October 1970 1970 - 1970
A432 1971/3264 Antarctic Policy Review 1971 - 1974
A432 1971/3264 PART 2 Antarctic Policy Review 1975 - 1976
A432 1971/3264 PART 3 Antarctic Policy Review 1976 - 1976
A432 1971/3415 PART 1 Law of the Sea - Ratification of Geneva Conventions 1959 - 1971
A432 1972/2757 Srecko Rover, Croatian - cancellation of passport 1972 - 1973
A432 1972/3396 PART 35 Legality of French nuclear tests in Pacific 1974 - 1974
A432 1972/3396 PART 36 Legality of French nuclear tests in Pacific 1974 - 1974
A432 1972/3396 PART 37 Legality of French nuclear tests in Pacific 1974 - 1974
A432 1972/3396 PART 38 Legality of French Nuclear Tests in the Pacific 1974 - 1974
A432 1972/3396 PART 40 Legality of French Nuclear Tests in the Pacific 1973 - 1975
A432 1972/3396 PART 41 Legality of French nuclear tests in Pacific 1975 - 1976
A432 1972/3522 Papua New Guinea Internal Security - Aerial disposal of riot control agents 1971 - 1973
A432 1972/5775 PART 2 Reports on Croatians October 1972 1972 - 1972
A432 1973/3262 PART 8 Abolition of appeals to the Privy Council - Instructions for Bill 1979 - 1981
A432 1982/10130 Internal Security Papua New Guinea pre Post Independence 1973 - 1973
A432 1982/10887 Aircraft Carrier Project 1982 - 1982
A432 1982/2367 Kokotovic J, Nekic M, Zvirotic, Bebic M, Brajkovic V - versus - Regina - subpoena to produce documents 1982 - 1985
A432 1983/11408 Commonwealth versus John Fairfax and Sons Limited and B Toohey - National Times Articles 1983 - 1984
A432 1983/385 Bomb Incident - Israeli Consulate General, Sydney 1982 - 1983
A432 1983/386 Cabinet Submissions 1983 1983 - 1983
A432 1983/4204 Valeriy Nikolavevich Ivanov, First Secretary, Canberra - expulsion and related matters 1982 - 1983
A432 1983/5333 Inter-Departmental Committee on Counter terrorism including Crisis Policy Centres 1980 - 1980
A432 1983/5420 New Hope Royal Commission into Intelligence and Security 1983 - 1983
A432 1984/16214 Commonwealth versus Fairfax and Toohey - 1983 High Court Proceedings - Affidavits 1984 - 1985
A432 1984/4198 Possible offences under the Crimes (Foreign Incursions and Recruitment) Act 1983 - 1984
A432 1984/5538 Representations to the Attorney General by Law Reform Commission re R V Kokotovic, Bebic and others 1978 - 1985
A432 1984/6805 Request for Security Clearance of Solicitors instructed by Lawrence Matheson - Royal Commission on Intelligence and Security 1984 - 1985
A432 1985/12703 Australia/United States Antitrust Co-operation Agreement - Notification by F T C of Investigation into Bell Resources/Weeks Petroleum acquisition of ASARCO 1985 - 1985
A432 1985/16294 Kokotovic J, Nekic M, Zvirotic, Bebic M, Brajkovic - versus - Regina - subpoena to produce documents 1985 - 1987
A432 1985/17017 Visit to Australia of Rajiv Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, 1986 1986 - 1986
A432 1985/3244 Australian Intelligence Collaboration with New Zealand - Cabinet Submission 1985 - 1985
A432 1985/3741 Arms Purchases in Australia by Residents of New Caledonia 1985 - 1985
A432 1985/3748 Standing Advisory Committee on Protection Against Violence - Meeting Sydney 1983 1953 - 1984
A432 1985/590 Reference papers to File 84-5538 - Kokotovic Bebic and Others 1980 - 1984
A432 1985/6853 Joint Parliamentary Committee on the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation 1985 - 1990
A432 1985/7846 Royal Commission into Australia's Security and Intelligence Agencies - Cabinet Submission on Jurisdiction of Security Appeals Tribunal 1984 - 1986
A432 1985/8112 Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974 - Application to Army Training Facilities Projects in New South Wales 1985 - 1986