
Headquarters 1st Australian Task Force (Nui Dat) records


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series AWM103
Title Headquarters 1st Australian Task Force (Nui Dat) records
Contents dates 1962 - circa1972
Items described 5477
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 36, Department of the Army, Central Office
    Apr 1966 - 31 Dec 1972
Controlling agencies
  • CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
AWM103 R659/3/4 [Headquarters, 1st Australian Task Force (HQ 1 ATF):] Police - Military - Provost support to 1 ATF 1971 - 1971
AWM103 R875/1/3 PART 2 [Headquarters, 1st Australian Task Force (HQ 1 ATF):] Visits - General - To Saigon - AFV [Australian Force, Vietnam] 1970 - 1971
AWM103 628 [Headquarters, 1st Australian Task Force (HQ 1 ATF) unregistered item:] Court Martial - Sergeant Bull - Alleged theft from Dennis Gibbons - [includes 4 copies of summary of evidence] 1969 - 1969
AWM103 R459/1/1/2 [Headquarters, 1st Australian Task Force (HQ 1 ATF):] Intelligence - General - Interpreters 1968 - 1972
AWM103 R478/1/147 [Headquarters, 1st Australian Task Force (HQ 1 ATF):] Investigations - General. Accidental death, 313122 Private J G Stevens - 5 RAR [5 Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment], 23 January 1970 1970 - 1970
AWM103 R4/71/77/2 [Headquarters, 1st Australian Task Force (HQ 1 ATF):] Accidents, Deaths and Casualties - Vehicle - 5 Company RAASC [Royal Australian Army Service Corps] and 86 Transport Platoon 1972 - 1972
AWM103 R478/1/381 [Headquarters, 1st Australian Task Force (HQ 1 ATF):] Investigations - General - Theft personnel items - [portion of title exempt] 1 Armoured Regiment 1971 - 1971
AWM103 633 [Headquarters, 1st Australian Task Force (HQ 1 ATF) unregistered item:] Autospy report - Lieutenant R T Convery - 38627 1969 - 1969
AWM103 R1/1/7 [Headquarters, 1st Australian Task Force (HQ 1 ATF):] Accidents, Deaths and Casualties - General - Death of Private Pracy - TaiPeih [Tai Pei] 1966 - 1966