MP401/1, CL7034

War Time Profits Tax Assessment Acts of 1917-1918 and 1924-1926 - Appeal to High Court - Estate of Emma Adelaide Tyson, deceased.


access status

on 1 January 2016

years old

based on date of earliest content

in the open period

based on date of latest content

years since

the access decision was made
Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Item barcode 363511
Part of series MP401/1
Control symbol CL7034
Title War Time Profits Tax Assessment Acts of 1917-1918 and 1924-1926 - Appeal to High Court - Estate of Emma Adelaide Tyson, deceased.
Contents dates 1929 - 1932
Location Melbourne
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On 17 February 1976 it was decided that you could not see this file for the following reasons: