
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the security, defence or international relations of the Commonwealth
Section 33(1)(a) of the Archives Act 1983


closed files

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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A12389 BB7 The [portion of title exempt] Case - January 1975 1966 - 1975
A1838 917/2 United Nations Anglo-Argentine dispute Falkland Islands 1964 - 1970
AWM54 179/1/15 [Chemical Warfare - General:] Headquarters Army Service Forces, Office of the Chief of Chemical Warfare, Washington 25 DC - Chemical Warfare Intelligence Bulletins, Nos 39-56, Aug 1944 - Jun 1945 1944 - 1945
A816 25/301/608 Exchange of Defence Information between Canada and Australia 1954 - 1957
A1838 3080/4/5 PART 2 Papua New Guinea - Defence & Security - Defence Arrangements with Australia 1973 - 1975
A5799 5/1968 Release of intelligence [portion of title withheld] - [Attached is JIC Report no. 1/1968] 15 Feb 1968 - 15 Feb 1968
A1838 694/2/4 PART 4 [Modified title: Exchange of intelligence material with the United States of America] - Received from Washington 1968 - 1969
A1838 919/8/9 PART 24 United Nations - Disarmament - Prohibition of use of nuclear weapons resolution 1653 - Control of missile system SALT [Strategic Arms Limitation Talks] 1978 - 1979
A2031 14/1955 Exchange of Joint Intelligence Committee papers [modified title, original item title partially exempt] 1955 - 1955
A1209 1962/3602 Disarmament - NATO Council discussions 1962 - 1964
A6122 1123 Communist Party of Australia - Lists of Vehicles 1949 - 1956
A1209 1961/1375 SEATO - Intelligence Committee report of the meeting 1961 - 1962
A1945 248/1/5 Indications of communist preparations for early war in South East Asia - UK committee report 1959 - 1959
A1838 563/2/16 PART 10 Radio Australia - Technical [portion of title exempt] 1961 - 1962
A816 25/301/496 Exchange of Intelligence Information with United States 1949 - 1952
AWM269 B/4/2 [Records of Jeffrey Grey and Peter Dennis] Emergency and Confrontation - Source material: DFAT [Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade] A1838 File Series: 696/6/6 Part 1 - National Operations Committee Papers 1986 - 1996
A13075 13902/FAD Decision No 13902/FAD - [Title exempt] - Without Submission 19 Feb 1981 - 19 Feb 1981
A1209 1961/740 SEATO - Council of Ministers - Verbatim report of 7th Meeting 1961 - 1961
A6119 530 Ronald William NEAVE Vol 1 1948 - 1959
AWM54 179/5/14 PART 11 [Chemical Warfare - Trials:] Dugway Proving Grounds. Mobile Chemical Warfare Section Unit, 1945-1946 1945 - 1946