
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the security, defence or international relations of the Commonwealth
Section 33(1)(a) of the Archives Act 1983


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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A4854 VOL 30 Signed minutes of meetings of the Australian Capital Territory Advisory Council - Volume 30 - 19 Jan 1970 to 22 Jun 1970 22 Apr 1968 - 22 Jun 1970
A6119 149 HEALY, James Volume 1 1949 - 1950
A1838 TS656/3/9 Special Intelligence - Joint Intelligence Committee - Six monthly review 1955 - 1956
F504 1 Commonwealth Census 1933 (Instructions and Correspondence) Attachments: 1) Census of the Commonwealth of Australia 4th April 1921 Census bulletin No 7 2) An Act to amend the Census and Statistics Act No33 of 1920 3) An Act relating to the Census and Stat6istics of the Commonwealth No15 of 1905 1932 - 1933
A2618 DOCUMENT 3606/8 Report on Geology of Upper Tumut Development Volume 7 Additional information to that contained in Volumes 1 to 6 01 Jan 1963 - 01 Jan 1972
AWM54 244/2/13 [Demolitions - Schemes:] Demolition Plans: Brisbane Fortress Area, Belt "H" 1939 - 1945
A10872 100/1/2 Australian Service Directive (Interim Directive 1957 and Revision) - [Australian Secret Intelligence Service, ASIS] 1957 - 1963
A6119 414 Annie Margaret McARTHUR 1948 - 1959
A1209 1961/190 Proposal for meeting of officials prior to Prime Ministers' conference 1961 1961 - 1961
A1838 TS696/2/2 PART 5 Regional Defence - Indonesia - Australian strategic interest 1957 - 1958
A6122 918 CPA (WA) [Communist Party of Australia, Western Australia)] Finance 1949 - 1956
A6122 614 Communist Party of Australia - Branches Victoria - Bendigo branch 1952 - 1954
A12389 F13 PART 1 Submission by Department of Foreign Affairs to Royal Commission on Intelligence and Security re [portion of title exempt] 1975 - 1975
A816 11/301/664 JIC papers - exchange of information 1949 - 1949
J3152 E1008/25 Checklist - Original copies of drawings, single number series [CA8312 Works Australia, State Office, Northern Territory] 1938 - 1996
A6122 823 Communist Party of Australia - Saint Vincents Hospital Building branch 1949 - 1958
AWM54 179/3/3 PART 3 [Chemical Warfare - Types of Agents:] Canada, Sub-Committee on Physiological Aspects of Chemical Warfare, Oct 1943 - Report on Iron and Chloride content of the Respiratory Tract 1943 - 1943
AWM54 244/2/9 [Demolitions - Schemes:] Demolition Plans: Brisbane Fortress Area, Belt "G" 1939 - 1945
A1209 1960/802 SEATO - Report of the Communications Committee. Fourth meeting, June, 1960. 1960 - 1960
A6119 1582 KING, Trevor Ronald [5 pages - all of these contain exemptions] 1963 - 1963