
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the security, defence or international relations of the Commonwealth
Section 33(1)(a) of the Archives Act 1983


closed files

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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A1533 1967/182 Traffic in gold stolen from Canadian mines and RCMP booklet 1967 - 1969
A1209 1957/4254 ANZUS Council meeting - Washington, November 1956 1956 - 1956
A5954 1727/20 Gibraltar as a link in Imperial Communications - Problem of Establishing an Air Base, Nov 1936 1936 - 1936
A6119 926 NEILL, Anne Miscellaneous Part 1 1953 - 1961
A5954 2366/10 Area of responsibility of Joint Intelligence Bureau (Melbourne) 1953 - 1953
A7452 A122 Royal Commission on intelligence and security [RCIS] request for information 1947 - 1977
A1533 1957/3549 FALLIS, Herbert Elmer - Alleged counterfeiting of US currency 1958 - 1959
A12391 R13 Soviet Intelligence Operations Against Americans and US Installations Abroad: An Analysis of Soviet Doctrine and Practice 1968 - 1968
A6122 992 Communist Party of Australia. Carriage News. 1949 - 1956
A6122 930 Communist Party of Australia. Queensland Cadres 1949 - 1958
A816 25/301/554 [Intelligence] [modified title, original item title partially exempt] Reports 1953 - 1956
A816 25/301/508 United States - Australia security agreements. Information released through UK. 1951 - 1957
AWM54 179/5/8 PART 2 [Chemical Warfare - Trials:] Munitions Supply Laboratories. Abstract reports indexed in records of Chemical Defence Board [Part 2 of 23] 1944 - 1944
A6122 561 CPA [Communist Party of Australia] - Women's Committee Western Australia 1949 - 1949
A1838 563/2/16 PART 8 Radio Australia - Technical - Foreign broadcast information service - Washington 1960 - 1961
A6122 680 CPA [Communist Party of Australia] Branches Queensland - Ekibin Branch 1949 - 1949
A816 14/301/540 Probable form and scale of attack against Malaya - Joint Intelligence assessment 1953 - 1954
A6122 1064 Communist Party of Australia - New South Wales, Albury Branch 1949 - 1958
AWM54 244/2/14 [Demolitions - Schemes:] Demolition Plans: Brisbane Fortress Area, Belt "J" 1939 - 1945
A1209 1959/137 United States basic reference on Communist China [part of title exempt] 1959 - 1959