
contains information or matter: (i) that was communicated in confidence by, or on behalf of, a foreign government, an authority of a foreign government or an international organisation (the foreign entity) to the Government of the Commonwealth, to an authority of the Commonwealth or to a person who received the communication on behalf of the Commonwealth or an authority of the Commonwealth (the Commonwealth entity); and (ii) which the foreign entity advises the Commonwealth entity is still confidential; and (iii) the confidentiality of which it would be reasonable to maintain
Section 33(1)(b) of the Archives Act 1983


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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
AWM54 179/3/3 PART 4 [Chemical Warfare - Types of Agents:] Canada, Sub-Committee on Physiological Aspects of Chemical Warfare, Nov 1943 - Report on Ammonia Gas 1943 - 1943
AWM54 179/1/22 [Chemical Warfare - General:] Headquarters, United States Army Services of Supply, South West Pacific Area, Office of the Chief Chemical Officer: Chemical Warfare Intelligence Digest, Nov 1944 1944 - 1945
A1209 1960/446 Plan for defence of South East Asia MPO Plan 4/60 1960 - 1960
A3092 221/10/1/6 [Title exempt] 18 Jul 1958 - 26 Aug 1958
AWM54 179/5/1 PART 5 [Chemical Warfare - Trials:] Reports from the Chemical Defence Board, Research and Experimental Section, Innisfail, Queensland [Part 5 of 10] 1944 - 1944
A12384 K/19 The Helsby Report: Classification of Official Matter 1970 - 1974
A1838 TS694/2/3/4 PART 5 [Modified title: Exchange of information] 1970 - 1971
A10463 822/5/1 PART 2 Jakarta - [portion of title exempt] Indonesia/Australia 1972 - 1974
A1838 3027/2/1 PART 39 Malaysia - Political - General 1969 - 1969
A5799 208/1953 Antarctica 1953 - 1953
A5799 276/1952 JIB - [portion of title exempt] 1952 - 1952
AWM54 179/5/17 PART 4 [Chemical Warfare - Trials:] Far Eastern Technical Unit, Research Section, Pacific Warfare Board - Reports No 4, 5 and 6 1945 - 1945
A1838 563/10/3 PART 5 Communism - SEATO - Information Committee 1956 - 1956
A816 14/301/731 South East Asia Treaty Organisation. Concept for the defence of South-East Asia in global war 1956 - 1957
A816 11/301/930 Brief for the Canadian Delegation to the Geneva Convention 1954 - 1954
A3269 R14/H [SRD (Services Reconnaissance Department) Technical Section] Sabotage Handbook. Handbook of Home-made devices 1942 - 1942
A4311 626/SE/12/D24 [South East Asia Treaty Organisation - Security Experts - the nature and extent of the communist subversive and insurgent threats to the treaty area] 1959 - 1959
A816 14/301/692 Anglo-Amercian strategy in the Far East 1955 - 1956
A5954 1727/21 Gibraltar as a link in Imperial Communications - Reclamation of Land from the Sea for the purpose of a Military Aerodrome, Oct 1936 1936 - 1936
A5954 2356/4 [Portion of title exempt] Visit - Programme and Cover Plan 1952 - 1952