
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act would constitute a breach of confidence
Section 33(1)(d) of the Archives Act 1983


closed files

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is the average age of closed files that cite this reason, based on the date of their earliest content


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What series contain most closed files citing this reason?
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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
F984 WHITE W H Aboriginal Half Caste Population Records - William Harold White 1925 - 1956
A6122 614 Communist Party of Australia - Branches Victoria - Bendigo branch 1952 - 1954
A6119 414 Annie Margaret McARTHUR 1948 - 1959
A6122 918 CPA (WA) [Communist Party of Australia, Western Australia)] Finance 1949 - 1956
F504 24 Census 1933 - District W (Alice Springs) 1933 - 1933
A6122 703 C P of A [Communist Party of Australia] Queensland Toombul Branch 1949 - 1949
A3978 STRACZEK J H Officers (RAN) personal record - Straczek, Jozeph Henry 1978 - 2005
F504 12 Census 1933 - District K (Roper River) 1933 - 1933
A6122 489 Communist Party of Australia. Branches Victoria Munitions Branch 1949 - 1949
A6119 796 Frances Ada GLUCK (aka Garrett, aka Bernie) nee Scott, Volume 3 [125 pages - 115 of these contain exemptions] 1950 - 1950
A6122 726 CPA Qld [Communist Party of Australia Queensland] - Cairns Queerah Meatworks Branch. [All 2 folios exempt] 1949 - 1954
A6119 1099 Reverend Rex Collis Mathias 1951 - 1962
A6119 2431 Elsie Violet LOCKE 1949 - 1967
A6119 1131 Rex Alfred MORTIMER. Volume 1 1948 - 1956
A6122 560 CPA [Communist Party of Australia] Youth Sub-Committee - Western Australia 1949 - 1949
P3 T1965/0714 Van Zelm, Rudolf 1955 - 1966
A6122 249 Communist Party of Australia - activities in libraries - Canberra. Volume 1 1954 - 1954
A6122 709 C P of A [Communist Party of Australia] Queensland Norman Park Branch 1949 - 1949
A6122 579 Communist Party of Australia ( CPA ) Newcastle / Hunter Valley ( Branch / District ) Volume 1 1939 - 1955
A6122 356 Communist Activity - Pine Creek - Katherine - Mataranka Area N.T. 1951 - 1955