
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act would, or could reasonably be expected to prejudice the conduct of an investigation of a breach, or possible breach, of the law, or a failure, or possible failure, to comply with a law relating to taxation or prejudice the enforcement or proper administration of the law in a particular instance
Section 33(1)(e)(i) of the Archives Act 1983


closed files

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What series contain most closed files citing this reason?
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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A6122 1260 Australian Institute of International Affairs, volume 2 1961 - 1961
A6119 565 Phyllis LATONA 1949 - 1961
A816 19/305/141 Indonesia 1951 - 1952
A1533 2011/17294 ROWLAND, Keren Ellen - Inquest brief 1971 - 1971
A6119 815 Judah WATEN volume 4 1960 - 1961
A6126 112 Doris Amelia BLACKBURN 1949 - 1960
A6122 1142 Communist Party of Australia - Eureka Youth League. 1949 - 1949
A6122 803 CPA [Communist Party of Australia] (NSW) Southern Miners' Branch 1952 - 1957
A1533 2011/17286 ROWLAND, Keren Ellen - Inquest - Transcript of proceedings 1971 - 1971
A1838 1606/40 Asylum - [portion of title exempt] 1964 - 1964
A6119 530 Ronald William NEAVE Vol 1 1948 - 1959
A6122 1224 CPA [Communist Party of Australia] Victoria - Austral Bronze branch 1949 - 1961
A6119 932 Anne NEILL. Supplement 2 1957 - 1958
A6126 340 Export of strategic metals from Nauru. Volume 1 1949 - 1963
A6122 1427 Correspondence between the Director General of ASIO and the Prime Minister relating to 'The Case' and the Petrovs 1953 - 1956
A6119 673 Norman McDonald RICHMOND 1938 - 1960
A6122 1268 Submarines landing between Darwin and Arnhem Land (Film 17 metre 76) 1949 - 1961
A6119 477 Clement Byrne CHRISTESEN - Part 5 1958 - 1960
A6119 1356/REFERENCE COPY RAVLICH, Ante 1929 - 1960
A1533 1971/1439 C ROWLAND, Keren Ellen - Missing person - Questionaire's 1971 - 1971