
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act would, or could reasonably be expected to disclose, or enable a person to ascertain, the existence or identity of a confidential source of information in relation to the enforcement or administration of the law
Section 33(1)(e)(ii) of the Archives Act 1983


closed files

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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
D1915 SA3442 MAYR Peter - naturalization 1940 - 1948
A6119 6270 ROMANOV, Nicolai 1957 - 1957
D1915 SA2977 WILLIAMSON Victor - naturalization 1931 - 1940
MP529/2 JUHN/L Dossier of Juhn, Leo [Vuhn, Leopold] - Dossier No. 478 1939 - 1940
A6122 269 CPA [Communist Party of Australia] activity and interest in Sydney University - NSW. Volume 1 [93 pages. 60 of these contain exemptions] 1952 - 1964
A9108 ROLL 14/17 The civil service purge, UK [10 pages] 1951 - 1951
D1915 SA11292 JUHN Leopold Leo - application for naturalisation 1942 - 1945
MP529/2 ZENKER/HA Dossier of Zenker, Hermann Adolf - Dossier No. 1079 1939 - 1941
D1915 SA3443 PISANI Vincenzo 1940 - 1955
A6126 1026 Kay, Helen 1956 - 1956
A6122 1198 Catholic Action Part 1 (File is non-sequential with part 2) 1949 - 1958
MP529/2 RINGWALD/H Dossier of Ringwald, Heinrich - German - Dossier No. 99 1939 - 1940
D1915 SA3208 PISANI Mauro - enquiry re by Immigration 1942 - 1950
A9954 SE/13/D9 Nature and extent of the Communist subversive threat in Pakistan: paper contributed by Pakistan 28 Aug 1960 - 28 Aug 1960
D1915 SA2628 SARACINO Francesco Antonio - naturalisation and admission of son 1941 - 1949
A12381 20/48/1 Royal Commission on Intelligence and Security - Fourth Report - Draft - Correspondence 1976 - 1977
MP529/2 DEGEN/FX Dossier of Degen, Franz Xavier - Dossier No. 1380 1939 - 1941
MP529/2 HAACK/W Dossier of Haack, William - Dossier No. 1066 1939 - 1940
D1915 SA1384 NICOLAE Alexandrie, Naturalization. 1925 - 1925
A6122 2052 Communist Party of Australia - New South Wales - Eveleigh Loco Branch 1955 - 1970