
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act would involve the unreasonable disclosure of information relating to the personal affairs of any person (including a deceased person)
Section 33(1)(g) of the Archives Act 1983


closed files

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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A9125 REGISTER 110 Births registered in Port Moresby between 20/10/83 and 18/5/86. Numbers 1 to 502 20 Oct 1983 - 18 May 1986
K26 HX36339 Ronald Gordon Dorrington [WX 22599, DOE 14/9/1943] 1946 - 1984
F1 1957/454 State Childrens Council Banbury Grahame 1956 - 1958
C139 RX206265 John Stephen LIVERMORE [Repatriation case file] [Box 6281] 1914 - 1948
C138 H18641 Sydney Luke MORAN [Repatriation hospital case file] [2cm; box 1676] 1928 - 1937
A6135 K5/8/83/85 Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Tribal - Men's corroboree, Willowra, Northern Territory 1983 - 1983
D4082 AO215 Barry David Cottrell 1970 - 1971
AWM239 259 RAN Medical Officers' Journal: YARRA (21 January 1936 - 25 March 1962) 1936 - 1962
C2359 2031 Bathurst Island, June 1972[Box 19] 1972 - 1972
A9125 RECEIPT 14 Receipts to births registered in Port Moresby. Receipts 53501 to 53550 (Registrations 7375 to 7421) 09 Feb 1976 - 21 Apr 1976
PP946/1 HKM37133 BURNBY, Rae Henry - Service Number - 5 1268 1958 - 1979
A1200 L8141 Aboriginal women's dance [photographic image]. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate 1946 - 1946
F1 1972/6904 Aboriginal traditional sites - Port Keats (1:250000) - (19) 1969 - 1972
B26 MX174274 Henry Joseph Max MICHEL 1940 - 1993
PP860/1 HX8566 VOLUME 1 Clarence Joseph Bettridge 1947 - 1971
B73 M1124 PART 2 Richardson, Royden Francis Medical file 1958 - 1966
PP911/1 HX26544 William Lawrence Jeffery 1945 - 1965
A9811 VOLUME 2 Registers of citizenship by descent - birth registers (Nicosia) 1975 - 1986
AWM93 2/5/19C/1 PART 7 [Australian War Memorial registry file:] Buildings and Accommodation - AWM Canberra. Roll of Honour - Lists of names to be inscribed, forwarded by Repatriation Department Melbourne 1954 - 1957
PP913/1 HX6851 Vernon Pollock Leach 1951 - 1956