
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act would involve the unreasonable disclosure of information relating to the personal affairs of any person (including a deceased person)
Section 33(1)(g) of the Archives Act 1983


closed files

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What series contain most closed files citing this reason?
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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
PP946/1 MKM34402 BLACKETT, Michael - Service Number - DNR 36410 1948 - 1988
PP889/1 M6823 William Bazeley 1916 - 1972
K26 HX4294 Basil Anthony Vlachou 1951 - 1990
A1200 L2358 Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander peoples - Implements and weapons - Kurdaitcha [Kadaitcha] shoes and bullroarer (centre) (Nama Twinna) used by Arunta Tribe from Macdonnell Ranges 1945 - 1945
D3185 150 Torrens Island Quarantine Station photograph 150 - [portion of title exempt] 2 May 1926 1926 - 1926
C139 RX77086 General (Sir) Leslie James Morshead, NX8, General, HQ1 Australia Corps - Major 2nd Battalion (1914 - 18) [Repatriation case file] [Box 3864] 1937 - 1959
A6135 K7/3/84/301 Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Dance - Corroboree at Ayers Rock 1984 - 1984
PP946/1 MKM39764 BELL, William Thomas - Service Number - F5183 1943 - 1982
PP946/1 MKM39655 WHITLEY, Patrick Alphonsus - Service Number - 52601 1953 - 1991
A1533 1957/2451 DEN ELT, Willem 1957 - 1969
A1533 1967/2388 MILLER, Bert Spencer 1967 - 1972
B73 H13873 Westcott, William Charles [4.0 cm] 1925 - 1952
B26 MX178772 JACKSON, William Clarence VX54799 [1.00 cms] 1941 - 1956
D4082 WB481 Mathew James Forrest - ex Darwin 1963 - 1963
PP872/1 MKM29952 LAUGHLAN, Matthew - Service Number - 15996 1948 - 1957
A4624 LEEUWIN TENDERS 30/9/1942 Ships Ledger HMAS Leeuwin tenders Quarter Ending: 30/9/1942 1942 - 1942
PP645/1 M7942 John Bowers 1919 - 1975
K60 HKM34936 VOLUME 2 GLASKIN, Gilbert Henry - Service Number - W47892, WX42370, 5/9025 1982 - 1986
B73 R13852 STANTON, Frederick William 1917 - 1929
K26 HX34335 VOL 1 George Thomas Poland 1946 - 1970