Closed period

Closed period
— RecordSearch note


closed files

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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
C5018 [91 SHARK POINT] TITLE: Shark Point, tunnel portal CATEGORY: photograph FORMAT: 3 colour prints STATUS: preservation material 1985 - 1985
B5661 1943/1610 Alleged shortages of clothing supplies, Mt Morgan 1942 - 1985
B4418 WILLSON AF WILLSON, ARCHIBALD FREDERICK [Regimental No.200] - Boer War Dossier 1974 - 1974
B503 S729 NETHERWOOD, William - SX7668 [5 pages] [Prisoners of War Trust Fund application] 1974 - 1974
P107 HB130 PART 5 BOON, Edith Ethel 1990 - 1997
D5063 699 Department of Industry and Commerce - Australian Customs Service - Collectors Conference - Adelaide - South Australia 1984 - 1984
C139 HX115993 PART 1 John Joseph DEMPSEY [Repatriation hospital file] [Box 52238] 1957 - 1975
K26 CX41337 Gerald Kenyon Dyer 1949 - 1984
PP927/1 MX227 Arthur James Reed 1941 - 1972
K60 HB18086 VOLUME 2 WALLIS, Winifred Ada beneficiary of WALLIS, Percy - Service Number - 6419 1991 - 1992
PP930/1 MX53724 William Henry Richardson 1952 - 1969
D618 AC309 Collinswood SA TV studios - extension to production facilities and technical service area 1969 - 1973
D2952 PL52/1980 Pearlah - Retain Train Control Phone 1980 - 1980
C138 MB40696 TURNER, Nina [aka Neena] beneficiary of TURNER, Ewart Stanley Martin - Service Number - 6140 1989 - 1993
P694 HX116634 (4 PARTS) BARKER. A.M. 1914 - 1990
C139 MX15634 Frederick WHALAN [Repatriation medical case file] [box 28682] 1941 - 1978
A703 554/2/107 Release of classified information to West Germany 1970 - 1973
PP927/1 MX11775 VOLUME 2 Albert George Welshman 1945 - 1971
K376 MSS22 Graeme Rhodes Belleville 1956 - 1984
B4418 BROWN A BROWN, ARTHUR [Regimental No.1418] - Boer War Dossier 1984 - 1984