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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A1838 1543/1/1 PART 2 Consular - Notification of deaths - Australians abroad - General policy 1971 - 1975
A5799 177/1950 Cypher Production Organisation 1950 - 1950
A1838 3107/40/147 PART 14 China - Relations with India 1962 - 1962
A1838 3034/2/2/16 PART 1 Indonesia - Political - Political parties - FDP - Grouping of PNI, Catholic Christian, IPKI and Murba parties 1972 - 1986
A1838 323/1 PART 11 New Caledonia - Political developments - General 1975 - 1976
A1209 1965/6695 PART 4 Rhodesia - Action in the event of UDI [Unilateral Declaration of Independence] sanctions - Excluding Australia 1965 - 1965
A1838 3107/38 PART 24 China - Relations with Australia 1980 - 1981
A1838 519/3/1/11/2 PART 1 Taiwan - Australia - Far East Trading Company 1975 - 1982
A1838 169/11/104 PART 1 India - Relations with Malaysia 1963 - 1985
A1838 4010/6/9 PART 3 Breaches - Loss and leakage of information 1974 - 1976
A1838 696/2/1 Information and intelligence - Regional South East Asia Indonesia 1953 - 1954
A10756 LC2887 PART 1 Australia - China Relations: General Review [Submission Nos. 3859, 3967 and 5634 refer] 06 Jan 1980 - 28 Jul 1982
A1209 1965/6458 Report of alleged threat to assassinate the Prime Minister 1965 - 1966
A432 1963/3173 PART 1 Antarctic Treaty - Draft Convention on Conservation of Wild Life 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A1838 563/1/4/13 PART 4 Communism - Trends of Communist Propaganda 1964 - 1968
A1838 80/1/3/3/11 Europe - Sir Alan Watt's Tour 1962 1962 - 1964
A1838 169/14 PART 1 India - Political - Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1948 - 1982
A1209 1984/958C PART 2 National Times leakage of strategic bases papers 1983 - Brian Toohey and Laurie Oakes 1984 - 1984
A9737 1991/3 PART 4 USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) - Soviet Representation in Australia 22 Sep 1986 - 28 May 1987
A1838 3034/7/1/1 PART 1 Indonesia - External relations - Talks on Indonesia [341 pp] 1963 - 1963