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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A1209 1965/6695 PART 7 Rhodesia - Action in the event of UDI [Unilateral Declaration of Independence] sanctions - Excluding Australia 1965 - 1965
A1838 3000/2/15 PART 1 Indo China - Refugees - International attitudes 1978 - 1978
A11116 CA265 PART 4 Royal Commission on Security and Intelligence Agencies 12 Apr 1985 - 21 Jun 1985
A7326 BJ802/1/3 Part 1 China - Defence - Policy and General Matters - military leadership 03 Mar 1977 - 28 Mar 1985
M1272 5 [Personal Papers of Prime Minister Fraser] [Principal Private Secretary's notes, May - September 1981, relating to Australian participation in Sinai Peacekeeping Force, Australian Federal Police staff ceilings, demonstrations against 1981 Budget, distribution of classified documents by Labor Government, tariff reductions etc] 05 Jan 1981 - 24 Sep 1981
A1838 766/1 PART 32 China - Economic relations with Australia 1978 - 1979
A1838 3000/2/9/1 PART 20 Australian policy towards Indo Chinese refugees 1978 - 1979
M3357 REVIEW 1 Review of defence co-operation program copy 12 1985 - 1988
AWM54 179/5/7 PART 5 [Chemical Warfare - Trials:] Reports from Australian Field Experimental Station, Proserpine, Queensland (Jun 1945) [Part 5 of 10] 1945 - 1945
A4359 111/5 PART 9 [Jakarta] - Aid - IGGI [Inter-Governmental Group on Indonesia] 1973 - 1973
A4311 680/5 Supplement Number 1 to PIJ for 1957 [Concerned with Communist front organisations in Singapore] 1956 - 1957
A1838 720/5/22 PART 8 Atomic energy - Australia - Relations with China 1984 - 1984
AWM54 244/2/26 PART 6 [Demolitions - Schemes:] Correspondence, instructions, plans and reports in connection with the preparation of demolition charges by the Volunteer Defence Corps in the Gympie Area [Part 6 of 15] 1942 - 1943
A432 1986/5527 Project Winnin - Draft Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and United States of America 1985 - 1986
A1838 3107/33/11/1 China - Trends in Communist propaganda [Partial title exempt] 1975 - 1975
A1838 3103/11/87 PART 58 Japan - Relations with China 1978 - 1978
A432 1972/3396 PART 41 Legality of French nuclear tests in Pacific 1975 - 1976
A10028 225/4/26 PART 1 China's relations with South East Asia 1973 - 1976
ST5416/1 200/21/AJASS (1) Review of A/S (Anti-Submarine) Warfare ASW General 1958 - 1970
A1838 3027/10/6 PART 2 Malaysia - Australia relations - Australian representation 1969 - 1978