
Hawke Ministries - Cabinet files, single number series with 'CA' prefix


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A11116
Title Hawke Ministries - Cabinet files, single number series with 'CA' prefix
Contents dates 01 Sep 1982 - 18 Dec 1991
Items described 5453
Items digitised 13
Recording agencies
  • CA 1472, Cabinet Office
    11 Mar 1983 - 20 Dec 1991
Controlling agencies
  • CA 1472, Cabinet Office
    11 Mar 1983 -
  • ACT (106.11m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A11116 CA1015 PART 1 Australian policy on the Indian Ocean 16 Jan 1984 - 17 Apr 1985
A11116 CA2232 Part 1 Portfolio Report-Foreign Affairs 14 Mar 1986 - 31 Jul 1986
A11116 CA1908 Part 1 Submarine Construction 17 May 1985 - 28 Jun 1990
A11116 CA265 PART 3 Royal Commission on Security and Intelligence Agencies 05 Dec 1983 - 04 Apr 1985
A11116 CA308 PART 1 Review of the Anzus Treaty 24 Mar 1983 - 28 Mar 1985
A11116 CA880 Part 1 Nuclear Safeguards Policy 03 Apr 1985 - 06 May 1985
A11116 CA67 PART 1 Australia/Indonesia relations 11 Mar 1983 - 01 Jun 1989
A11116 CA2139 PART 1 SCIS [Secretaries Committee on Intelligence and Security] report to ministers on the activities of the intelligence and security agencies 08 Nov 1985 - 18 Aug 1987
A11116 CA52 PART 1 Australia's Five Year Defence Program 07 Jul 1983 - 23 Jul 1984
A11116 CA1935 Part 1 The Australian Defence Force: Its Structure and Capabilities 20 May 1985 - 30 Aug 1986
A11116 CA2605 PART 1 Australian Defence Initiatives in the South Pacific 05 Jan 1987 - 19 Feb 1987
A11116 CA284 PART 1 Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation 16 May 1983 - 26 Jun 1990
A11116 CA2824 Part 1 Australia - Soviet Union Relations 22 Jul 1987 - 22 Mar 1988
A11116 CA265 PART 4 Royal Commission on Security and Intelligence Agencies 12 Apr 1985 - 21 Jun 1985
A11116 CA971 PART 1 Sheraton Hotel incident 1983 05 Dec 1983 - 07 May 1984
A11116 CA355 PART 1 Australia/Papua New Guinea relations 29 May 1987 - 24 Jul 1990
A11116 CA265 PART 5 Royal Commission on Security and Intelligence Agencies 08 Jul 1985 - 09 Dec 1986
A11116 CA880 Part 3 Nuclear Safeguards Policy 06 Sep 1983 - 23 Nov 1984
A11116 CA265 PART 6 Royal Commission on Security and Intelligence Agencies 21 Feb 1986 - 01 Jun 1988
A11116 CA85 PART 2 Relations with the USSR 24 Aug 1986 - 30 Jan 1990