
Photographic negatives and prints, single number series with 'L' [Library] prefix


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A1200
Title Photographic negatives and prints, single number series with 'L' [Library] prefix
Contents dates 01 Jan 1911 - 30 Jun 1971
Items described 86678
Items digitised 20000+
Recording agencies
  • CA 34, Department of Information, Central Office
    01 Jan 1945 - 16 Mar 1950
  • CA 219, Australian News and Information Bureau, Canberra
    16 Mar 1950 - 30 Jun 1971
Controlling agencies
  • CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office
    07 Mar 1994 -
  • ACT (100.45m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A1200 L15397 Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander peoples - Tribal - The circumcision ceremony is the first step on the road to manhood for these Australian Aboriginal lads from Yirrkalla in the Arnhem Land reservation of Northern Territory [photographic image]. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate 1953 - 1953
A1200 L8170 Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Implements and weapons - Totem Stone or Tjuringa of Arunta Tribe of Central Australia 1946 - 1946
A1200 L8605A Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Implements and weapons - Bullroarer and explanation of bullroarer 1947 - 1947
A1200 L3370 Aboriginal - A burial tree acquired by the National Museum in Melbourne, the carvings usually indicate graves of tribal headmen [photographic image] / photographer, J Gallagher. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate 1945 - 1945
A1200 L17205 Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Aboriginals hold sacred poles, Arawaltja ceremony, Groote Eylandt 1954 - 1954
A1200 L8064B Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Implements and weapons - Wooden Tjuringa 1946 - 1946
A1200 L3368 Aboriginal - A ceremonial tree with figure carved into the trunk [photographic image]. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate 1945 - 1945
A1200 L15388 Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander peoples - Tribal - Aboriginals perform the dance of Mana, the shark, at the circumcision ceremony of the tribe's boys [photographic image] / photographer, C. Mountford. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate 1953 - 1953
A1200 L8603 Tjuringas are sacred stones or pieces of wood belonging to members of certain tribes in Central Australia. Tjuringa is an Aranda term. The Tjuringa represents the essence of spirit of the human totemite (the owner of the Tjuringa). On the Tjuringa will be carved some device peculiar to the totem of the owner. The Tjuringas are sacred and are not to be seen by women or uninititated children. They are kept in sacred storehouses, caves holes in rocks, etc. Each tribal group has its own sacred storehouse [photographic image] / photographer, G Cribb. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate 1947 - 1947
A1200 L8138 Aboriginals prepare for a corroboree [photographic image]. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate 1946 - 1946
A1200 L86496 Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Tribal - Dancers perform at corroboree near Darwin 1970 - 1970
A1200 L8144 A Corroboree dance [photographic image]. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate 1946 - 1946
A1200 L8606 Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Implements and weapons - Two stone Tjuringas 1947 - 1947
A1200 L61934 Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Archaeology - Skeleton of a 3 year Aboriginal child found in cave CATEGORY: Photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: Australian News and Information Bureau FORMAT: b&w negative TYPE: cellulose acetate STATUS: preservation material 1967 - 1967
A1200 L61549 Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Tribal - Aboriginal corroboree in the 1930's, Northern Territory CATEGORY: Photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: Australian News and Information Bureau FORMAT: b&w negative TYPE: cellulose acetate STATUS: preservation material 1967 - 1967
A1200 L7514 A witch-doctor in the Northern Territory shows how the magic bone is pointed at a victim while he is being 'sung'. Although the ceremony is performed in secret, the victim learns of it and, among the tribal people, usually dies [photographic image]. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate 1946 - 1946
A1200 L17029 TITLE: Historical - Relics - Skull from New Britain at Institute of Anatomy, Canberra CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: Australian News & Information Services FORMAT: b&w negative TYPE: cellulose acetate STATUS: preservation material 1954 - 1954
A1200 L8141 Aboriginal women's dance [photographic image]. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate 1946 - 1946
A1200 L17840 Though trained as stockmen and accepting the modern amenities of life, Aborigines on Beswick Station in Arnhem Land, NT revert to their traditional culture from time to time [photographic image] / photographer, Neil Murray. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate 1954 - 1954
A1200 L8146 Aboriginals dressed for a Corroboree dance [photographic image]. 1 photographic negative: b&w, acetate 1946 - 1946