
Papers of the Select Committee on the Encouragement of Australian Productions for Television


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A12922
Title Papers of the Select Committee on the Encouragement of Australian Productions for Television
Contents dates 1928 - 01 Feb 1964
Items described 76
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 1693, Senate Select Committee on the Encouragement of Australian Productions for Television
    07 Dec 1962 - 29 Oct 1963
Controlling agencies
  • CA 691, Department of the Senate
    01 Nov 1962 -
  • ACT (2.16m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A12922 AT 32 The Encouragement of Australian Productions for Television - Documents. Australian Broadcasting Control Board Audience Measurement Survey. Royal Commission on the Moving Picture Industry in Australia 1928. Melbourne Film Festival 1963 1963 - 1963
A12922 AT 55 The Encouragement of Australian Productions for Television - Documents, Submissions, Correspondence (Index to Submissions) Brisbane (Part 2) A B C Annual Report. National Council of Women. Material from Tasmania 1960 - 1963
A12922 AT 34 The Encouragement of Australian Productions for Television - Submissions. Australian Broadcasting Control Board Australian Broadcasting Commission Fremantle International Aus P/L. Visatone Television P/L. Australian National Council for Women. William H Dorsey of Brisbane. Rev. E A C Gundry, Rector of St Pauls Anglican Church. R P Donnelly. Fremantle Branch of the Waterside Workers Federation Women's Committee 19 Feb 1963 - 15 May 1963
A12922 AT 18 The Encouragement of Australian Productions for Television - ADDITIONAL SUBMISSIONS - R C Allsop. Australian Broadcasting Control Board: 'Audience measurement Survey'. Hector Crawford, 'Commercial Television Programmes in Australia'. Peter Whitchurch Australian Broadcasting Control Board: 'TV Programme Standards'. Department of Health, Maternal and Child Welfare Branch. Newspaper cuttings. Commonwealth Literary Fund. Morris West, Ray Allsop, Extract: 'Walkabout'. Australian High Commission, Canada. Australian Legation, Sweden. Australian Embassy, Brussels. External Affairs Representative, London. Australian Embassy, The Hague. Australian Embassy, Tokyo. [Anderson Analysis Pty Ltd, 'Sampling and Estimation Procedures'] ['Total Time Devoted to Programmes of Australian Origin Analysed by Categories'] ['Background and History of Television in Australia'][External Affairs, Wellington][List of Witnesses][The McNair Survey, submission][S D Forsey, 'Ratings & the P & A D Department'] Aug 1956 - Sep 1963