
Papers of the Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A12987
Title Papers of the Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs
Contents dates 01 Jan 1968 - 31 Dec 1970
Items described 163
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 1694, Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs
    01 May 1968 - 02 Jun 1970
Controlling agencies
  • CA 691, Department of the Senate
    01 May 1968 -
  • ACT (1.44m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A12987 S59 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Submissions No 2 of 3 Bundles - Medical Department of Western Australia Nov 1968 - Dec 1968
A12987 S40 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Submissions No 1 of 3 Bundles Part B - The Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia HCF 1968 - 1968
A12987 S4 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Submissions No 1 of 3 Bundles, Part A - Joint Submission by: Blue Cross Association of Australia - Friendly Societies of Australia 1. November 1968 2. February 1969 Nov 1968 - Feb 1969
A12987 S3 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Submissions No 1 of 3 Bundles, Part A - Australian Medical Association May 1965 - Mar 1969
A12987 MHC19 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Transcript of Evidence Bundle 1 of 4 bundles, pp 1423-1977 1968 - 1969
A12987 S37 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Submissions No 1 of 3 Bundles Part B - Hospitals and Charities Commission Sep 1968 - Sep 1968
A12987 S8 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Submissions No 1 of 3 Bundles, Part A - Australian Cancer Society Jul 1968 - Oct 1968
A12987 MHC16 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Public Hospital System in QLD 1968 - 1970
A12987 S83 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Submissions No 3 of 3 Bundles - Commonwealth Department of Health Jul 1968 - Jul 1968
A12987 MHC26 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Correspondence - Commonwealth Departments Jun 1968 - Jul 1970
A12987 S34 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Submissions No 1 of 3 Bundles, Part A - The Asthma Foundation of Victoria (Submission No 4) Jan 1968 - Jul 1968
A12987 MHC58 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Correspondence - Various Hospitals and Associations and General Correspondence May 1967 - Apr 1970
A12987 S52 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Submissions No 2 of 3 Bundles - Hospitals Department of South Australia 1968 - 1970
A12987 MHC8 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Background Papers (including framework of Report) Aug 1966 - Jun 1968
A12987 S102 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Submissions No 3 of 3 Bundles - The Australian Medical Association Aug 1968 - Aug 1968
A12987 S64 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Submissions No 2 of 3 Bundles, PART A - Mental Health Services 1968 - 1970
A12987 MHC61 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Correspondence - Private Hospitals Association Jul 1968 - Jul 1968
A12987 S11 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Submissions No 1 of 3 Bundles, Part A - NAPTA National Tuberculosis and Chest Association 1968 - 1970
A12987 MHC48 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Correspondence - Australian Council of Social Service Apr 1968 - Aug 1968
A12987 MHC21 Senate Select Committee on Medical and Hospital Costs - Transcript of Evidence Bundle 3 of 4 bundles, pp 2480-3253 Feb 1969 - Mar 1969