
Follow-up on reports of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics and Public Administration


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A13014
Title Follow-up on reports of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics and Public Administration
Contents dates 27 Oct 1977 - 28 Nov 1997
Items described 40
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 6950, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration
    24 Sep 1987 - 30 Sep 1990
Controlling agencies
  • CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives
  • ACT (1.26m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A13014 F.5.1 Follow up on Committee Reports - Who Calls Australia Home 28 Jul 1986 - 28 Jul 1986
A13014 F.4.2 Follow up on Committee Reports - Sport and Recreation 25 Jun 1984 - 01 Jul 1985
A13014 F.3.4 Australian National Railways Commission 11 Mar 1982 - 16 Nov 1983
A13014 F.6.5.1 Follow up on Committee Reports - Australian Iron and Steel Industry Report 01 Nov 1985 - 30 Nov 1985
A13014 F.2.5 Follow-up on Committee Reports - Parliament and Public Expenditure 03 Apr 1979 - 28 Feb 1983
A13014 F.6.8 Follow up on Committee Reports - Arts Inquiry 19 Sep 1986 - 23 Feb 1988
A13014 F.6.2 Follow up on Committee Reports - Gone with the Winds 30 May 1986 - 01 Sep 1988
A13014 F.4.5.1 Aboriginal Development Commission - Final Report and other Documents 27 Feb 1984 - 30 May 1985
A13014 F.1.1 Follow-up on Committee Reports - Accommodation for Married Servicemen 04 May 1978 - 25 Sep 1979
A13014 F.1.2 Follow-up on Committee Reports - Australian Overseas Representation 11 Sep 1978 - 22 Nov 1982
A13014 F.2.1 Follow-up on Committee Reports - The Defence Service Homes Scheme May 1978 - 14 Oct 1981
A13014 F.3.5.1 Accommodation and Home Care for the Aged - Follow up on Committee Reports 01 Oct 1982 - 06 Apr 1983
A13014 F.3.1 Review of Auditor-General Efficiency Audit Report - Commonwealth Administration of Nursing Homes 25 Feb 1982 - 29 Nov 1985
A13014 F.3.2 Commonwealth Government Purchasing 10 Jun 1981 - 28 May 1984
A13014 F.6.9 Follow up on Committee Reports - Auditor-General's Audit Report - An Efficient Organisation - Housing and Construction 23 Mar 1987 - 01 Sep 1988
A13014 F.6.4 Follow up on Committee Reports - Patronage, Power and the Muse 07 May 1984 - 01 Dec 1987
A13014 F.6.12 Follow up on Committee Reports - Not Dollars Alone 01 Sep 1990 - 01 Sep 1990
A13014 F.5.3 Follow up on Committee Reports - No Port in a Storm 24 May 1985 - 02 Jun 1987
A13014 F.6.1 Follow up on Committee Reports - Footprints in the Sand 01 May 1986 - 28 May 1987
A13014 F.3.5.4 Accommodation and Home Care for the Aged - Transcripts 07 Sep 1983 - 18 Oct 1983