
Joint Select Committee on Parliamentary Privilege Inquiry 1982 - 1984


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A13373
Title Joint Select Committee on Parliamentary Privilege Inquiry 1982 - 1984
Contents dates 04 Jul 1963 - 21 Mar 1985
Items described 58
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives
    05 Nov 1981 - 21 Mar 1985
Controlling agencies
  • CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives
  • ACT (0.81m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A13373 3 Australian Journalists Association - Mr Lawrence 07 Jul 1982 - 07 Sep 1982
A13373 10 Professor J Goldring - Macquarie University 15 Jun 1982 - 03 Sep 1982
A13373 26 Senator Archer, Chair, Joint Committee on Publications 19 May 1982 - 08 Dec 1982
A13373 9 Dr Everingham 23 Jun 1982 - 14 Jul 1982
A13373 5 Australian Law Reform Commission - The Hon Mr Justice M D Kirby 15 Jun 1982 - 03 Aug 1982
A13373 19 Mr B Hogben, New Limited 18 Jun 1982 - 20 Oct 1982
A13373 34 W. Wodrow 25 Jun 1982 - 19 Sep 1984
A13373 37 Hansard record of evidence 27, 28 Sept and 10 Nov. 1982 27 Sep 1982 - 10 Nov 1982
A13373 18 Mr M J Maher MP 09 Jul 1982 - 09 Jul 1982
A13373 B2(j) Information from Overseas Parliaments - Norway 17 Nov 1982 - 21 Mar 1985
A13373 A7 Administration - Seminar Arrangements 01 Jul 1982 - 11 Aug 1982
A13373 A1(b) Exposure Report Letters to Senators and Members 15 Jun 1984 - 03 Sep 1984
A13373 35 Hansard record of evidence 3 August 1982 03 Aug 1982 - 03 Aug 1982
A13373 B2(k) Information from Overseas Parliaments - Sweden 25 Jun 1982 - 21 Mar 1985
A13373 14 John Fairfax and Sons 14 Jul 1982 - 06 Oct 1982
A13373 B2(g) Information from Overseas Parliaments - Japan 21 Sep 1982 - 21 Mar 1985
A13373 29 Department of the Senate 09 Jun 1982 - 24 Jun 1983
A13373 25 Mr D M Connolly MP, Chair, Joint Committee on Public Accounts 25 Nov 1982 - 03 Dec 1982
A13373 30 Mr R Shipton, MP, Chair, Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence 09 Nov 1982 - 03 Dec 1982
A13373 A1(a) Questions 03 Aug 1982 - 13 Sep 1982