
Australian Broacasting Corporation


closed files

are part of this series


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is completely within the open period (more than 20 years old)


are cited by closed files in this series
Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A13410
Title Australian Broacasting Corporation
Contents dates 01 Jul 1985 - 31 Mar 1995
Items described 15
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 691, Department of the Senate
    1995 - 1995
Controlling agencies
  • CA 691, Department of the Senate
    1995 -
  • ACT (0.99m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A13410 ABC 4 Correspondence - General 08 Feb 1989 - 31 Mar 1995
A13410 ABC 24 Submission 37 Part 2 20 Sep 1990 - 11 Nov 1994
A13410 ABC 2 Background Information 01 Jul 1985 - 31 Mar 1995
A13410 ABC 36 Submission 55 10 Jul 1988 - 16 Nov 1994
A13410 ABC 25 Submissions 41 - 43 01 Jul 1985 - 02 Mar 1995
A13410 ABC 37 Submissions 55 Part 2 - 55A 25 Nov 1988 - 09 Mar 1995
A13410 ABC 39 Submissions 70 - 70A 01 May 1990 - 08 Mar 1995
A13410 ABC 18 Submissions 1, 3 - 18 02 Jan 1991 - 08 Mar 1995
A13410 ABC 23 Submissions 37 Part 1 10 Jan 1991 - 08 Feb 1995
A13410 ABC 32 Submission 49 Part 5 01 Jan 1991 - 01 Jun 1994
A13410 ABC 33 Part 1 Submission 49 Part 6 01 Jan 1989 - 01 Nov 1994
A13410 ABC 26 Submission 44 01 Jan 1989 - 02 Mar 1995
A13410 ABC 21 Submissions 29 - 35 15 Nov 1990 - 31 Mar 1995
A13410 ABC 34 Submission 49 Part A 11 Jan 1988 - 03 Jan 1995
A13410 ABC 19 Submissions 19 -25 17 Oct 1986 - 16 Mar 1995