
Correspondence files, multiple number series, (primary numbers 665/4 - 678/1) (civilian personnel)


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A1567
Title Correspondence files, multiple number series, (primary numbers 665/4 - 678/1) (civilian personnel)
Contents dates 01 Jan 1917 - 31 Dec 1957
Items described 113
Items digitised 12
Recording agencies
  • CA 19, Department of Defence [II] (Central Administration)
    01 Aug 1934 - 31 Dec 1939
  • CA 37, Department of Defence Co-ordination, Central Office
    01 Jan 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
  • CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
    01 Jan 1942 - 30 Sep 1957
Controlling agencies
  • CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
  • ACT (6.3m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A1567 677/2/1590 K.M. CAMPBELL P J. RADICH. 1940 - 1941
A1567 677/2/4968 Beryl Rebecca Chisholm 1940 - 1942
A1567 677/2/5247 Transfer of Hicks, Witt & Jack, Miss M.B. 1941 - 1941
A1567 677/2/5236 Murphy A.W. Confirmation of Appointment 1941 - 1941
A1567 677/2/5226 Smith, Miss H.M. Confirmation of appointment 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A1567 677/2/5255 Barracks Officer Mr. Egan 1941 - 1941
A1567 677/2/5582 Nolan, J. 1942 - 1942
A1567 677/2/5189 Toms, E.R., Executive Officer National Register Board. 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A1567 677/2/4729 Dunlop, W.A.S.: Application for Permanent appointment: Regulation 159 1933 - 1939
A1567 677/2/5199 Jago, Josias: Deceased 1941 - 1941
A1567 677/2/5518 Landan, S. 1942 - 1942
A1567 677/2/5625 Registry Staff Changes 1943 - 1943
A1567 667/2/5565 Sheehan, H. 1942 - 1942
A1567 677/2/5345 Hussey, W.F. - Confirmation of Appointment 1937 - 1937
A1567 677/2/5224 Wise, W.R. War Service Leave 1940 - 1941
A1567 677/2/5339 Miss M.T. Laffen Typist 1941 - 1941
A1567 677/2/5346 Bergin, J.F. - Confirmation of Appointment. 1937 - 1937
A1567 677/2/5131 Jeanne Brown 1940 - 1941
A1567 677/2/5160 Curran, J. 1940 - 1940
A1567 677/2/5384 Probationary Appointment of Miss Betty Streater, Typist 1941 - 1942