
Correspondence files, multiple number series (second series) [Main correspondence files series of the agency]


closed files

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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A1658
Title Correspondence files, multiple number series (second series) [Main correspondence files series of the agency]
Contents dates 01 Jan 1922 - 31 Dec 1968
Items described 2420
Items digitised 100
Recording agencies
  • CA 17, Department of Health, Central Office
    01 Jan 1949 - 31 Dec 1962
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9436, Department of Health [II], Central Office - Public health
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • ACT (158.58m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A1658 614/2/2 PART 2 Medical services aerial Flying doctor service annual subsidy 1953 - 1957
A1658 1014/4/24 Plant Quarantine - Seeds Importation of - Vegetable BEAN. 1954 - 1954
A1658 261/13/1 File cover only. 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A1658 151/1/1 PART 3 Australian Institute of Anatomy - General [File cover only] 1949 - 1962
A1658 666/14/5 National Health Service Departmental Committees Overall Co-ordinating Committee 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A1658 151/1/8 PART 1 File cover only 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A1658 756/1/37 Northern Territory General Granuloma Venereum 1952 - 1952
A1658 260/1/2 Diseases - Venereal General - Individual Cases. 1947 - 1964
A1658 260/8/3 PART 1 File cover only 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A1658 261/3/1 File cover only. 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800