
Documents relating to the history of the Snowy Mountains Scheme


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A2618
Title Documents relating to the history of the Snowy Mountains Scheme
Contents dates 01 Jan 1833 - 31 Dec 1972
Items described 524
Items digitised 27
Recording agencies
  • CA 75, Snowy Hydro, Head Office
Controlling agencies
  • CA 75, Snowy Hydro, Head Office
  • ACT (75.59m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A2618 DOCUMENT 3606/1 Upper Tumut Development General Information for Tenderers 1953 - 1953
A2618 DOCUMENT 3606/6 Report on Geology of Upper Tumut Development Volume 5 - Logs of Drill Holes 1953 - 1953
A2618 DOCUMENT 3529 TO 3531 Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority (SMHEA). Contracts and Reports on Murray 1 Pressure Pipeline; Murray 1 Project Aqueducts; Khancoban Dam and associated works; Murray 2 Power Station Site and the Geology of Khancoban Project and associated works. 1961 - 1963
A2618 DOCUMENT 3606/8 Report on Geology of Upper Tumut Development Volume 7 Additional information to that contained in Volumes 1 to 6 01 Jan 1963 - 01 Jan 1972
A2618 DOCUMENT 4034 SMA - Investigation re best route on Western side of Great Dividing Range - Miscellaneous Notes. 1956 - 1956
A2618 DOCUMENT 3606/5 Report on Geology of Upper Tumut Development Volume 4 - Logs of Drill Holes 1953 - 1953
A2618 DOCUMENT 3606/2 Report on Geology of Upper Tumut Development Volume 1 - Report 1953 - 1953
A2618 DOCUMENT 3606/7 Report on Geology of Upper Tumut Development Volume 6 Additional Information 1953 - 1953
A2618 DOCUMENTS 3972 TO 3986 Technical Reports 1951 - 1967
A2618 DOCUMENTS 3841 TO 3853 Technical Departmental Papers; design reports. 1953 - 1969
A2618 DOCUMENTS 3551/10 TO 3553/8 Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority (SMHEA) Reports on Geology, & Sources of Construction Materials of Talbingo Dam & Tumut 3 Power Station together with Schedule of Rates. Contracts for Tumut 3 Pressure Pipelines & Talbingo Dam Diversion Tunnel 1965 - 1967
A2618 DOCUMENTS 3561 TO 3572 Specs. and Docs. Tumut Pond Junction Shaft Eucumbene - Tumut Tunnel T.1. Power Station T.2 Power Station Upper Tumut Region Murray 1 Power Station Contents: 50.021 50.022 50.023 50.024 50.025 50.026 50.027 50.033 50.032 E.504 E.513 E.505 1955 - 1960
A2618 DOCUMENT 3606/9 Report on Hydrology and Meteorology of Upper Tumut Development 1953 - 1953
A2618 DOCUMENT 3606/4 Report on Geology of Upper Tumut Development Volume 3 - Logs of Drill Holes 1953 - 1953
A2618 DOCUMENTS 3817 TO 3840 Reports, Designs & Technical Memoranda 1959 - 1964
A2618 DOCUMENT 3606/3 Report on Geology of Upper Tumut Development Volume 2 - Logs of Drill Holes 1953 - 1953