
Album of Anthropological Photographs in connection with the Aboriginal enquiry Central and North Australia


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A263
Title Album of Anthropological Photographs in connection with the Aboriginal enquiry Central and North Australia
Contents dates 01 Jan 1928 - 31 Dec 1928
Items described 170
Items digitised 151
Recording agencies
  • CA 15, Department of Home and Territories, Central Office
    01 Jan 1928 - 10 Dec 1928
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9427, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Central Office
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • ACT (0.99m)
  • NT (0.18m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A263 ALBUM Album of anthropological photographs - Aboriginal Inquiry Central and North Australia - J.W. Bleakley - Native burial vault, Oenpelli mountain - (Page 37a) 1928 - 1928
A263 ALBUM Album of anthropological photographs - Aboriginal Inquiry Central and North Australia - J.W. Bleakley - Diseased natives seen by Dr Walker in Central Australia - Infection from flies - Granuloma (Page 9d) 1928 - 1928
A263 ALBUM Album of anthropological photographs - Aboriginal Inquiry Central and North Australia - J.W. Bleakley - Corroboree Painting. Page 49 1928 - 1928
A263 ALBUM Album of anthropological photographs - Aboriginal Inquiry Central and North Australia - J.W. Bleakley - Millingimbi Mission - Ceremonial decorations - (Page 50a) 1928 - 1928
A263 ALBUM Album of anthropological photographs - Aboriginal Inquiry Central and North Australia - J.W. Bleakley - Diseased natives seen by Dr Walker in Central Australia - Infection from flies -- Lost an eye. Page 9e 1928 - 1928
A263 ALBUM Album of anthropological photographs - Aboriginal Inquiry Central and North Australia - J.W. Bleakley - Millingimbi Mission - Native carving - dancing and ceremonial implements - (Page 50a) 1928 - 1928
A263 ALBUM Album of anthropological photographs - Aboriginal Inquiry Central and North Australia - J.W. Bleakley - Millingimbi Mission - Totem pole - (Page 50a) 1928 - 1928
A263 ALBUM Album of anthropological photographs - Aboriginal Inquiry Central and North Australia - J.W. Bleakley - Infection from flies - Yaws (note flies) - (Page 9c) 1928 - 1928