
Exhibits of the Royal Commission on Petroleum


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A3968
Title Exhibits of the Royal Commission on Petroleum
Contents dates 01 Jan 1974 - 31 Dec 1976
Items described 189
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 2031, Royal Commission on Petroleum
    01 Jan 1974 - 30 Jun 1976
Controlling agencies
  • CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - (Royal Commissions Act 1902)
    14 Sep 2010 -
  • ACT (4.14m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A3968 EXHIBIT 243B Shell Australia Limited. Confidential information supplied to the Royal Commission on Petroleum .... 1975 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBIT 286A Ampol Petroleum Ltd. Confidential Submission 1974 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBIT 4 ?Appendices 1-21 Confidential portion of Exhibit 2? 1971 - 1974
A3968 EXHIBIT 267 Mobil. Develop owned land Ferntree Gully Vic. Cnr. Ferntree Gully & Scoresby Rds. 1973 - 1974
A3968 EXHIBIT 263 Shell Australia Limited. Confidential Questionnaire Answers. 1975 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBIT 243A Shell Australia Limited. Confidential information supplied to the Royal Commission on Petroleum .... 1975 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBIT 264 ?Confidential Tables from Mobil? 1975 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBITS 379 (File of documents produced by Ampol Petroleum) 1975 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBIT 46H Shell Australian Securities Limited and Subsidiary Companies. Confidential Information for the Answer to Question 5 1974 - 1974
A3968 EXHIBITS 416 TO 418 (Confidential submission Ampol, Mobile and Esso.) 1975 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBITS 415B Confidential portion of Submission by The British Petroleum Company of Australia and Subsidiaries. 1975 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBITS 368A TO 370 (Sheer Australia, Mobile Oil Australia, Confidential imformation.) 1972 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBITS 268 TO 270 ?Confidential material from Mobil Oil Australia Limited? 1969 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBIT 1 ?Letter from H.C. Sleigh Limited? 1974 - 1974
A3968 EXHIBITS 414B Shell Australia Ltd. Confidential information provided to Royal Commission on Petroleum in respose to its letter dated 21/05/75 1975 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBITS 380 File of documents produced by the M. Shannon. 1975 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBIT 227B Caltex Oil (Australia) Pty. Limited. Aspects of Marketing and Pricing of Petroleum Products Confidential Annexures 1975 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBIT 46B Shell Australian Securities Limited and Subsidiary Companies. Confidential Information for the Answer to Question 1 1974 - 1974
A3968 EXHIBIT 313 Ampol Agreements relating to Schedules submitted 1973 - 1975
A3968 EXHIBIT 266 Mobil - Develop Owned Land WANTIRNA Vic. Cnr Stud & Boronia Rds. 1971 - 1973