
'Cumpston Collection' of documents relating to the history of Australian foreign policy


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A4311
Title 'Cumpston Collection' of documents relating to the history of Australian foreign policy
Contents dates 01 Jan 1870 - circa31 Dec 1969
Items described 3793
Items digitised 122
Recording agencies
  • CA 18, Department of External Affairs [II], Central Office
    01 Jan 1960 - 31 Dec 1969
Controlling agencies
  • CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office -
    24 Jul 1987 -
  • ACT (70.45m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A4311 712/2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Cumpston Collection - Negotiation Cables 07 Jun 1963 - 20 Jun 1964
A4311 626/SE/10/D3 [South East Asia Treaty Organisation - Security Experts - the inter-relations between the communist parties in the treaty area and their role in furtherance of international communist objectives] 1959 - 1959
A4311 686/8 Intelligence Research Methods Conference, November 1958. Weapons Intelligence, presented by Mr FAB Fawssett of JIB (London) 1958 - 1958
A4311 626/SE/12/D24 [South East Asia Treaty Organisation - Security Experts - the nature and extent of the communist subversive and insurgent threats to the treaty area] 1959 - 1959
A4311 686/13 [Research Methods Conference, Melbourne, November 1958]. Cold War Problems - Economic Penetration by [portion of title exempted], 25th September 1958 1958 - 1958
A4311 723/5 Background papers [South Pacific Commission] 1961 - 1962
A4311 686/11 [Research Methods Conference, Melbourne, November 1958]. On Processing Intelligence Information by [portion of title exempt] 5th September 1958 1958 - 1958
A4311 686/12 Research Methods Conference, Melbourne, November 1958. Scientific Intelligence by Harold Larnder. Directorate of Scientific Intelligence, Defence Research Board. Ottawa, Canada 1958 - 1958
A4311 680/5 Supplement Number 1 to PIJ for 1957 [Concerned with Communist front organisations in Singapore] 1956 - 1957
A4311 725/4 [Bundle - Visit to Australia of President Park Se Chung Hee of Korea Steptember 1968 - Notes and Summaries] 1968 - 1968
A4311 686/7 Intelligence Research Methods Conference, November 1958. Intelligence and Government Policy, presented by Captain JP Wright of JIB (London) 1958 - 1958
A4311 691/3 Far East Land Forces. Minutes of Military Attaches Conference 1963, Singapore 1963 - 1963
A4311 631/SE/13/D46 [South East Asia Treaty Organisation - Security Experts - composition of delegations to the thirteenth meeting of the committee of security experts][1p] 1960 - 1960
A4311 314/2 Brief for Visit by Minister for External Affairs (the Honorable Paul Hasluck, MP) to South-East Asia - June 1964 1964 - 1964
A4311 626/SE/10/D2 [South East Asia Treaty Organisation - Security Experts - the communist insurgent threat to the treaty area - paper by UK] 1959 - 1959
A4311 308/7 Defence : Territories [Prime Minister's Visit June 1965 - Brief on External Affairs Volume 1] 1965 - 1965
A4311 686/9 Intelligence Research Methods Conference, November 1958. Economic Intelligence, presented by Mr RDA Newbury of JIB (London) 1958 - 1958
A4311 712/5 Brief for Visit by Minister for External Affairs (the Honorable Paul Hasluck, MP) to South-East Asia - June 1964 1964 - 1964
A4311 686/5 Research methods conference, Melbourne 1958. Co-ordination and Presentation presented by Mr AW McMichael of JIB [Joint Intelligence Bureau (Melbourne) 1958 - 1958