
Correspondence files, annual single number series [Main correspondence files series of the agency]


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A432
Title Correspondence files, annual single number series [Main correspondence files series of the agency]
Contents dates 24 Nov 1857 -
Items described 27058
Items digitised 795
Recording agencies
  • CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office
    01 Jan 1929 -
  • CA 832, Deputy Crown Solicitor's Office, Australian Capital Territory - portion relating to Deputy Crown Solicitor's matters, Australian Capital Territory
    23 Oct 1958 - 31 Dec 1958
Controlling agencies
  • CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - main recording agency, matters relating to privacy (Dec 2011), legal aid, criminal law and law enforcement, courts and tribunals
    01 Jan 1929 -
  • CA 2141, Department of the Treasury [II], Central Office - for records relating to investment control (Sep 1979), competition and consumer policy (Mar 1993), bills of exchange and promissory notes (Apr 1996), business law (Apr 1996),
    23 Apr 1996 -
  • CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - for records relating to cyber policy co-ordination
    03 Dec 2007 -
  • CA 9435, Department of Finance [II], Central office - for records relating to the Judges Pensions Act 1968
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • CA 9433, Department of Employment, Central Office - matters relating to workplace relations policy development, advocacy and implementation
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • CA 9553, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science - Consumer affairs
    21 Nov 2015 -
  • ACT (2223.74m)
  • NSW (291.06m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A432 1932/464 Estate Duty Assessment Act 1914-28. Estate Late J J.E.H. Fraser 1932 - 1932
A432 1929/1894 Louie Gut - Immigration Act prosecution 1929 - 1929
A432 1985/9474 Project Winnin - Draft Memorandum of Understanding between Australia and United States of America 1985 - 1985
A432 1931/187 Customs Act 1901-30, Secs 154 and 163. Petrol benzine and spirits: losses by evaporation 1931 - 1931
A432 1934/1984 Migrant Land Settlement Correspondence with Victorian Govt 1933 - 1933
A432 1929/2027 Commonwealth Electoral Act, 1918-28. Proscn. of R.W. Hill and A.A. Townsend Question of Appeal 1929 - 1929
A432 1929/2642 Contributions to Superannuation Fund - N.S.W. "Public Service (Superannuation) Act 1903. 1904 - 1904
A432 1931/1116 Marmon Motor Car Co: Indianapolis, USA. Value for duty: Austral Motors Ltd. (In liquidation, claim by Department for duty outstanding: Right to preference over other creditors 1931 - 1931
A432 1931/715 re Customs Tariff Resolution providing for exception of goods from Primage Duty by Proclamation. 1931 - 1931
A432 1929/301 Income Tax Ass. Act 1922-28 Estate of late Henry Berry. Legacy to W.B. McCutcheon 1929 - 1929
A432 1971/2616 Bombing of Yugoslav Consulate, Melbourne - 21 October 1970 1970 - 1970
A432 1930/1450 Repatriation Act - re Case of BS Date registered as Legitimate Child of JS Date, 2632. Pte., 58th Battalion (Deceased) - Claim for pension. 1930 - 1930
A432 1930/1376 Stock Ordinance 1920-24 - FCT [Federal Capital Territory]. Failure of Drover to move travelling cattle ten miles in each successive period of 24 hours. Whether a Prosecution is maintainable against the Drover or the Owner. 1930 - 1930
A432 1963/4253 Courts Martial Proceedings Correspondence 1954 to May 1960 1954 - 1960
A432 1932/232 Sales Tax Asst. Acts 1930-31. Massey Harris Co. Ltd. - H.V. McKay Massey Harris Ltd. 1932 - 1933
A432 1931/959 Commonwealth Employees Compensation Act, 1930 - O.J.White, Labourer, Department of Works, WA. 1931 - 1931
A432 1967/2301 Extradition - Residents of Australia suspected of war crimes 1961 - 1987
A432 1933/206 Exemptions from payment of tax provided in sub-sections 20 (1) (d) (e) & (f) of Sales Tax Ass't Act (no. 1), 1930-32. 1933 - 1933
A432 1931/1185 Cotton Industries Bounty Act 1930- Sec. 13 Meaning of words "Capital employed in the manufacture of cotton yarn" 1931 - 1931
A432 1931/01239 FCT [Federal Capital Territory]. Whether C'wealth liable for damage to building on leased land caused by moisture penetrating walls on the boundary between the leased land and unleased land belonging to the C'wealth. 1931 - 1931