
Seventh Menzies Ministry - copies of Cabinet submissions and associated decisions (first series) [1958-1961]


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A5818
Title Seventh Menzies Ministry - copies of Cabinet submissions and associated decisions (first series) [1958-1961]
Contents dates 10 Dec 1958 - 20 Oct 1961
Items described 1412
Items digitised 33
Recording agencies
  • CA 1472, Cabinet Office
    21 Oct 1981 - 27 Nov 1981
Controlling agencies
  • CA 1472, Cabinet Office
    21 Oct 1981 -
  • ACT (3.78m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A5818 VOLUME 8/AGENDUM 382 Laos. (Decision No 442) 1959 - 1959
A5818 VOLUME 8/AGENDUM 384 Laos:Insurgency Situation - Current Intelligence Report by Joint Intelligence Committee (Australia). (No Decision) 1959 - 1959
A5818 VOLUME 8/AGENDUM 391 SEATO Military Planning to Counter Communist Insurgency in Laos. (Decision No 450) 1959 - 1959
A5818 VOLUME 8/AGENDUM 400 Antarctic. (Decision No 462) 1959 - 1959
A5818 VOLUME 8/AGENDUM 355 Antarctica - Present Position. (Decision No 445). 1959 - 1959