
Policy and working files of the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) of Army Headquarters/Army Office, [first] multiple number series


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A5897
Title Policy and working files of the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) of Army Headquarters/Army Office, [first] multiple number series
Contents dates 01 Jan 1958 - 31 Dec 1980
Items described 23
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 36, Department of the Army, Central Office
    01 Jan 1958 - 30 Nov 1973
  • CA 3275, Directorate of Military Intelligence
    01 Jan 1958 - 31 Dec 1975
  • CA 1568, Army Office, Department of Defence [III]
    30 Nov 1973 - 08 Apr 1974
  • CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
    08 Apr 1974 - 31 Dec 1975
Controlling agencies
  • CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
    01 Dec 1973 -
  • ACT (13.32m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A5897 25/6 BRIEFINGS - DMI. 1971 - 1973
A5897 283/11 PT1 DMI Personnel - TS AB 1966 - 1975
A5897 283/11 PT2 DMI - Personnel - TS(AB) 1975 - 1978
A5897 46/1 (6) COMMITTEE - Joint Intelligence Administrative Committee - Exchanges of documents with New Zealand. 1972 - 1972
A5897 18/1 ASIO - General. 1978 - 1978
A5897 237/4 PT5 Policy and Planning - The Australian Security Outlook - 1979. 1979 - 1979
A5897 139/2 Australian Intelligence Corps History (NSW). 1971 - 1971
A5897 616/3 Middle East War - General - 1975. 1973 - 1975
A5897 283/11 PT3 DMI/ARMY - Personnel - TS(AB) 1978 - 1980
A5897 139/7 Intelligence Corps - General. 1972 - 1976
A5897 12/4 Associations and Institutions - Australian Intelligence Assocation. 1973 - 1978
A5897 237/4 PT3 Planning and Policy - Australian Defence Policy. 1976 - 1980
A5897 46/1 (7) COMMITTEES - Joint Int Admin (JIAC) - Control of Vertical Air Photography. 1975 - 1976
A5897 142/11 Intelligence - Military Int Support for Counter-Terrorist Operations. 1978 - 1979
A5897 46/1 (2) COMMITTEES - Joint Intelligence Administrative Committee - General 1971 (JIAC) 1971 - 1971
A5897 401/2 ANZUK - Intelligence Organization. 1971 - 1972
A5897 311/1 Unconventional Warfare - Cold War Aid - Special Warfare 1964 - 1970
A5897 139/1 PT3 Australian Intelligence Corps History 1978 - 1979
A5897 142/1 Intelligence - Military UK/US Int Exchange. 1963 - 1967