
Subject files, multiple number series


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A6122
Title Subject files, multiple number series
Contents dates 01 Jan 1915 -
Items described 2946
Items digitised 464
Recording agencies
  • CA 1297, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, Central Office
    16 Mar 1949 -
Controlling agencies
  • CA 1297, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, Central Office
    16 Mar 1949 -
  • ACT (60.93m)
  • NSW (0.18m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A6122 873 Tasmania - Public meetings 1949 - 1956
A6122 1260 Australian Institute of International Affairs, volume 2 1961 - 1961
A6122 892 Communist Party of Australia - Western Australia - Bassendean Branch 1949 - 1956
A6122 1035 Communist Party of Australia - Tasmania, schools 1949 - 1956
A6122 866 CPA [Communist Party of Australia] (Western Australia) - Claremont Branch 1949 - 1956
A6122 1115 Communist Party of Australia. New South Wales - Malleys, South Sydney, Branch 1949 - 1956
A6122 710 C P of A [Communist Party of Australia] Queensland Ross River Meat Works Branch 1949 - 1949
A6122 1031 Communist Party of Australia - campaigns to increase membership and gain public support 1949 - 1956
A6122 567 CPA Victoria - Disputes Committee 1954 - 1955
A6122 1036 Communist Party of Australia. Western Australia. Social Activities 1949 - 1958
A6122 1099 Communist Party of Australia - Illegal organisation (photos) 1949 - 1956
A6122 1025 Communist Party of Australia - Social activities, general 1949 - 1958
A6122 757 Communist Party of Australia. Branches NSW, TAA Branch 1949 - 1949
A6122 847 Communist Party of Australia - South Australia - ICI Branch 1949 - 1957
A6122 1127 Communist Party of Australia. Eureka Youth League. Victoria 1949 - 1956
A6122 945 Communist Part of Australia. Electric Press 1949 - 1958
A6122 554 CPA - [Communist Party of Australia] Victoria Propaganda Committee 1949 - 1949
A6122 838 Communist Party of Australia - (South Australia) Queenstown 1949 - 1957
A6122 1196 Recording of ASIS personnel [Australian Secret Intelligence Service, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation] 1955 - 1955
A6122 828 Communist Party of Australia - Victoria - Burwood branch 1947 - 1956