
Records relating to the Australian Defence Forces Management/Structure Inquiry


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A7322
Title Records relating to the Australian Defence Forces Management/Structure Inquiry
Contents dates 25 Jan 1976 - 24 Sep 1987
Items described 62
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 2491, Joint Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence
    25 Jan 1976 - 24 Sep 1987
Controlling agencies
  • CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives
    25 Jan 1976 -
  • ACT (2.16m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A7322 48 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Briefing papers - Shipbuilding industry - Cockatoo 23 Jun 1976 - 23 Jun 1976
A7322 56 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Briefing papers - Defence force structure - strategic assessments 10 Jun 1980 - 01 Jun 1982
A7322 7 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Correspondence - Chairman 19 Sep 1978 - 11 May 1982
A7322 32 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Unnumbered submissions - Briefing papers 17 Jul 1944 - Oct 1982
A7322 46 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Briefing papers - Shipbuilding industry - Williamstown dockyard Sep 1976 - 10 Dec 1982
A7322 43 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Terms of reference, correspondence and draft report - the Nomad chronology 18 Nov 1982 - 12 Oct 1983
A7322 60 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Briefing papers Defence force structure - current structure 16 Feb 1984 - 16 Feb 1984
A7322 57 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Unnumbered submissions - Defence force structure - strategic assessments 29 May 1979 - 15 Jul 1982
A7322 24 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Press release - Defence industry - Government aircraft factories May 1979 - 02 Dec 1983
A7322 42 Briefing papers - Joint facilities 01 May 1978 - 15 Jun 1981
A7322 31 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Briefing papers - Aircraft carriers 29 Jun 1982 - 28 Sep 1983
A7322 29 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Unnumbered submissions - Defence reserves 06 Aug 1978 - Mar 1981
A7322 12 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Terms of reference - various 20 Nov 1979 - Nov 1987
A7322 44 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Briefing papers - Jindalee - radar system Dec 1977 - 26 Apr 1983
A7322 41 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Correspondence, Draft report - defence contribution to coastal surveillance 03 Feb 1978 - Apr 1983
A7322 9 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Committee, black and white photo 1984 - 1984
A7322 51 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Unnumbered submissions - Defence force structure - general Jun 1980 - 21 Jan 1983
A7322 16 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - General briefing arrangements 10 Dec 1986 - 27 May 1987
A7322 14 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Correspondence - general 10 Mar 1980 - 03 Nov 1987
A7322 18 General administrative files - Defence Sub-Committee - Briefing papers - Coastal surveillance 25 Aug 1981 - 28 Jul 1983