
Correspondence files, multiple number series (second uniform post system) (Peking/ (by 1982) Beijing)


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A7326
Title Correspondence files, multiple number series (second uniform post system) (Peking/ (by 1982) Beijing)
Contents dates 13 Mar 1962 - 31 Dec 1995
Items described 658
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 1977, Australian Embassy, Peoples Republic of China [Peking/Beijing]
    01 Jan 1978 - 31 Dec 1995
Controlling agencies
  • CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office
    24 Jul 1987 -
  • CA 9431, Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Central Office
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • ACT (15.93m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A7326 BJ803/1/10 PART 1 Peking China - Economic - Labour Market - wages and incomes 28 Oct 1977 - 03 Sep 1986
A7326 BJ801/2/2 Part 16 China - Political and General - trends and political situation at the centre 07 Feb 1983 - 23 Nov 1983
A7326 BJ821/1/7 Part 1 Australia/China - Australia protests against China nuclear testing 19 Sep 1977 - 07 Nov 1985
A7326 BJ801/2/2 Part 17 China - Political and General - trends and political situation at the centre 24 Nov 1983 - 10 May 1984
A7326 BJ802/1/3 Part 1 China - Defence - Policy and General Matters - military leadership 03 Mar 1977 - 28 Mar 1985
A7326 BJ550/17/1 Part 1 Peking China - Political Asylum - policy - general 08 Jul 1975 - 07 Aug 1990
A7326 BJ801/13/2 Part 6 China - Political and General - relations with Hong Kong 17 Aug 1982 - 31 Dec 1982
A7326 BJ802/1/7 Part 1 China - Defence - Policy and General Matters - external contracts Including Procurement 28 Sep 1977 - 10 Jul 1984
A7326 BJ802/2/1 Part 2 China - Defence - Army - People's Liberation Army (PLA) 15 Apr 1978 - 07 Sep 1982
A7326 BJ804/18/1 PART 1 Peking China - Cultural and Social - Population - population estimates and family planning 04 Feb 1977 - 30 Mar 1984
A7326 BJ802/12/1 Part 1 China - Intelligence Activities - general matters 25 Jan 1977 - 28 Nov 1979
A7326 BJ801/13/2Part 5 China - Political and General - relations with Hong Kong 08 Apr 1981 - 09 Sep 1982
A7326 BJ801/14/27 PART 2 Beijing China - Political and General - Provincial Political Situation - Tibet 17 Jul 1981 - 28 May 1985
A7326 BJ801/2/2 Part 12 China - Political and General - trends and political situation at the centre 04 Feb 1981 - 15 Oct 1981
A7326 BJ550/17/2 Part 1 Peking China - Dy Family - request for residence 25 May 1977 - 10 Nov 1977
A7326 BJ828/1/27 Part 2 Australian - Visits to China - Mr Hayden, 1983 - policy 15 Jun 1983 - 05 Aug 1983
A7326 BJ808/1/1 Part 4 China - Province of Taiwan - political and general 03 Nov 1981 - 22 Sep 1983
A7326 BJ821/1/11 Part 1 Australia/China - Political and General 30 Jun 1976 - 10 Feb 1979
A7326 BJ822/1/2 Part 2 Australia/China - Exchange of Military Attaches (Chinese Defence Attache to Australia) 18 Sep 1981 - 15 Sep 1982
A7326 BJ801/13/2 Part 7 China - Political and General - relations with Hong Kong 02 Dec 1982 - 23 Jun 1983