
Correspondence files, single number series with 'A' prefix (known as "Third 'A' File Series") [Main correspondence files series of the agency]


closed files

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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A7452
Title Correspondence files, single number series with 'A' prefix (known as "Third 'A' File Series") [Main correspondence files series of the agency]
Contents dates 01 Jan 1949 -
Items described 601
Items digitised 4
Recording agencies
  • CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
    01 Jan 1981 -
Controlling agencies
  • CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
    01 Jan 1981 -
  • ACT (19.26m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A7452 A408 National Intelligence Collection Requirements Committee (NICRC) - SCIS consideration 1983 - 1984
A7452 A420 PART 2 Archives legislation - Australian intelligence community aspects 1979 - 1989
A7452 A140 Intelligence activities and reports [Portion of title exempt] 1976 - 1993
A7452 A352 Material provided in connection with "National Times" article - "Plausible Deniability" 12-18 August 1983 [Portion of title exempt] 1973 - 1983
A7452 A87 PART 5 Nuclear policy [Portion of title exempt] 1979 - 1980
A7452 A391 PART 1 Hope Commission inquiry [RCSIA] into Sheraton Hotel incident 1983 - 1986
A7452 A268 Alleged breach of security [Portion of title exempt] 1982 - 1985
A7452 A155 PART 2 Intelligence activities [Portion of title exempt] 1981 - 1982
A7452 A246 Armenian terrorism 1984 - 1992
A7452 A87 PART 2 Nuclear policy [Portion of title exempt] 1979 - 1979
A7452 A493 PART 1 SCIS working group on information flows in a crisis situation 1979 - 1987
A7452 A185 PART 3 Arab terrorist activities 1979 - 1987
A7452 A393 PART 2 Royal Commission on Australia's Security and Intelligence agencies [RCSIA] - Caucus submission 1983 - 1984
A7452 A32 New Zealand - International relations with other countries including Australia 1976 - 1978
A7452 A139 Soviet interest in PNG trade unions 1977 - 1977
A7452 A159 Requests for security clearances and indoctrination [modified title, original item title partially exempt - declaration by officer relinquishing appointment with PM's Department] 1956 - 1974
A7452 A15 PART 3 Indonesia - International relations with other countries including Australia 1977 - 2002
A7452 A73 Domestic satellite - intelligence aspects 1980 - 1983
A7452 A618 PART 1 Requests made under the Archives Act 1954 - 1991
A7452 A391 PART 2 Hope Commission inquiry [RCSIA] into Sheraton Hotel incident 1983 - 1989