
Correspondence files, multiple number series (1st Uniform Post System) (Pretoria)


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A9421
Title Correspondence files, multiple number series (1st Uniform Post System) (Pretoria)
Contents dates 06 Sep 1946 -
Items described 421
Items digitised 8
Recording agencies
  • CA 7010, Australian Embassy, South Africa [Pretoria]
    21 Aug 1946 -
Controlling agencies
  • CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office
    24 Jul 1987 -
  • ACT (11.34m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A9421 112/1 PART 1 South Africa - Economic relations - Australia - General 01 Oct 1973 - 12 Jul 1976
A9421 256/1 PART 1 Australia - Defence 21 Jun 1948 - 26 Dec 1972
A9421 112/3 PART 1 Economic - South Africa/Australia - Trade Oct 1955 - 11 Dec 1973