
Correspondence files, single number series with "GES" policy and general prefix


closed files

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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series B1334
Title Correspondence files, single number series with "GES" policy and general prefix
Contents dates None
Items described 78
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 3166, Custodian of Enemy Property, Palestine
    01 Jan 1942 - 31 Dec 1948
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9462, Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Victoria State Office
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • VIC (0.54m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
B1334 TSTF/GES/7 Chas Boutagy and Co Ltd Haifa POB 1947 - 1948
B1334 TSTF/GES/4 VOLUME 1 The Templegemeinde Sarona - Jaffa 1946 - 1947
B1334 TSTF/GES/13 Kopro Deutshe Konsumenten und Produzenten Haifa Co-operative Society Limited 1945 - 1948
B1334 TSTF/GES/5 Gebrueder Wagner Agent: Award Engineering Co Jaffa 1947 - 1958
B1334 NN German Fund Accounts of Camp 3, Accounts of Camp 2 (Includes A/cs re Forests to Waldheim and Bethlehem) 1947 - 1947
B1334 TSTF/GES/3 Financial Affairs of Camp 3 Beth-lahm 1947 - 1948
B1334 TSTF/GES/29 Bank of the Temple Soc Ltd 1947 - 1948
B1334 NN Cash Accounts of Camps 2 and 3 (Waldheim and Bethlehem) 1947 - 1947
B1334 TSFT/GES/2 Financial Affairs of Camp 2 Waldheim 1947 - 1947
B1334 TSTF/GES/22 Packages 1947 - 1948
B1334 TSTF/GES/3A Haifa Germans Fund of Camp 2 and 3 With Barclays Bank Haifa 1947 - 1948
B1334 TSTF/GES/8 Jacob J Levy POB 942 Haifa 1947 - 1948
B1334 TSTF/GES/67 Transfer of Funds to Australia 1947 - 1948
B1334 NN Accounts of Kopro Ltd Waldheim Camp 2 1947 - 1948