
Army Personnel Files, multiple number series


closed files

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are cited by closed files in this series
Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series B2458
Title Army Personnel Files, multiple number series
Contents dates 01 Jan 1930 -
Items described 9565
Items digitised 462
Recording agencies
  • CA 2002, 2 Echelon, Army Headquarters
    01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1948
  • CA 1999, Soldier Career Management Agency
    01 Jan 1948 -
Controlling agencies
  • CA 1999, Soldier Career Management Agency
  • ACT (0.37m)
  • VIC (0.27m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
B2458 45914 SHILLITO, James Thomas Christopher 1970 - 1976
B2458 57363 ARAMINI, Raymond Joseph 1972 - 1983
B2458 3803333 PUGSLEY, John Wayne 1972 - 1997
B2458 532189 WILMOT Nial Patrick 1977 - 1986
B2458 614656 NIGHTINGALE, Gergory Farrar 1977 - 2005
B2458 180707 Musgrave, Kenneth John 1979 - 1992
B2458 4401230 Rana, Ranjit 1980 - 2004
B2458 128020 PART 2 Lowes, Russell James 1947 - 2014
B2458 185928 Richards, Kelvin Wayne Neihana 1988 - 2003
B2458 62036 Cashion, Garry Owen 1969 - 1972
B2458 294533 BATH, Peter Leslie 1975 - 1999
B2458 2277474 STOKES, Geoffery James 1976 - 1987
B2458 2803619 GRIFFITHS, Leon Bernard 1991 - 2000
B2458 215737 PART 2 Hart, Ronald James [includes service under number 2140587] 1964 - 1999