
Personal case files, World War II


closed files

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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series B26
Title Personal case files, World War II
Contents dates 01 Jan 1939 -
Items described 3109
Items digitised 8
Recording agencies
  • CA 879, Deputy Commissioner for Repatriation, Victoria
    01 Jan 1940 - 05 Oct 1976
  • CA 2367, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Branch Office, Victoria
    05 Oct 1976 -
Controlling agencies
  • CA 2367, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Branch Office, Victoria
    05 Oct 1976 -
  • VIC (4835.42m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
B26 HX224149 REYNOLDS, L F 1982 - 1996
B26 HX13971 CHANT, William John 1960 - 1967
B26 HX207357 SYKES, William Lucas 1972 - 1978
B26 MX124193 PART 1 Keeble, Frederick Percy 1941 - 1960
B26 MX7348 PART 1 Jackson, Patrick Ernest 1942 - 1948
B26 HX43716 ICKERINGILL, Lloyd Wesley 1945 - 1963
B26 MX169392 PART 1 CASSIDY, Mark Lacel 1940 - 1968
B26 MX18990 PART 1 COULAM, Cyril 1944 - 1947
B26 HX51680 PART 2 TATT, Leslie Theodore 1991 - 1993
B26 MX255269 PART 1 FLYNN, John 1940 - 1942
B26 HX7348 PART 1 Jackson, Patrick Ernest 1948 - 1977
B26 MX53808 PART 1 Bresnahan, Arthur Ernest 1940 - 1967
B26 MX43716 PART 1 ICKERINGILL, Lloyd Wesley 1941 - 1966
B26 CX220517 McNally, E M 1980 - 1996
B26 HX25127 CHIVERS, Lionel Charles 1940 - 1959
B26 MX71371 PART 1 DALY, Patrick John 1946 - 1988
B26 MX35213 PART 1 DOUGLAS William 1940 - 1968
B26 HX174274 PART 1 Henry Joseph Max MICHEL 1960 - 1974
B26 MX43028 PART 1 Church, John George 1946 - 1947
B26 RX2604 MOLONEY, T N 1941 - 1941