
Aboriginal case files, lexicographical series


closed files

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are cited by closed files in this series
Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series B337
Title Aboriginal case files, lexicographical series
Contents dates 01 Jan 1893 - 04 Apr 1968
Items described 804
Items digitised 13
Recording agencies
  • CA 2013, Central Board for the Protection of the Aborigines
    01 Jan 1893 - 30 Jul 1957
  • CA 2014, [Victorian] Aborigines Welfare Board
    30 Jul 1957 - 01 Jan 1968
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9047, Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination, State Office, Victoria
    01 Jul 2005 -
  • VIC (2.88m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
B337 214 DAY, Tracy (including Tom) [22 pp] 1966 - 1967
B337 677 Smith, Norma 1961 - 1961
B337 680 Smith, Walter James 1962 - 1962
B337 252 Mrs Clara Foster 1938 - 1952
B337 749 Wandin, Kathleen 1967 - 1967
B337 360 James, Albert Victor 1960 - 1960
B337 546 Mullett, Joe 18 Jan 1930 - 28 Jan 1930
B337 29A ARDEN, Robert 1963 - 1963
B337 130 CHARLES, Nola Evelyn 1961 - 1963
B337 153 CLARK Leslie 1950 - 1950
B337 90 Brown, Patrick William 1962 - 1962
B337 89 BRITTEN, Irene 1963 - 1963
B337 432 LOGAN, Otto 29 Jan 1937 - 11 Aug 1943
B337 204 Mary Darby 1936 - 1936
B337 357 JACKSON, Irene 1961 - 1961
B337 205 Nellie Darby and children 1930 - 1964
B337 260 FOSTER, Vivian [1 page] 1963 - 1963
B337 375 JOHNSON, Gladys [2 pp] 23 Oct 1961 - 05 Feb 1962
B337 582 O'ROURKE, Oswald 1964 - 1964
B337 235 EGAN, Edmund 1961 - 1965