
Special benefits case files, alphabetical series


closed files

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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series B4794
Title Special benefits case files, alphabetical series
Contents dates 01 Jan 1953 - by31 Dec 1971
Items described 24
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 2199, Department of Social Services, Regional Office, Geelong [Victoria]
    31 Jan 1953 - 31 Dec 1971
Controlling agencies
  • CA 8442, Centrelink, Area office South, Victoria
    01 Jun 1999 -
  • VIC (0.54m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
B4794 BOCHAREV, ANNA [Claim for Special Benefit - Anna Bachkarev, aka Bocharev] 1965 - 1966
B4794 IVICEVIC, MARA [Claim for Special Benefit - Mara Ivicevic] 1968 - 1969
B4794 FILATOFF, MICHAEL [Claim for Special Benefit - Michael Filatoff] 1963 - 1969
B4794 CHERNIH, IVAN [Claim for Special Benefit - Ivan Chernih] 1963 - 1971
B4794 YAKIMOV, ANA [Claim for Special Benefit - Ana Yakimov] 1966 - 1968
B4794 KARGIN, LIDIA [Claim for Special Benefit - Lidia Kargin] 1965 - 1965
B4794 MCCLURE, CLARA [Claim for Special Benefit - Clara Doreen McClure] 1968 - 1968
B4794 MARAGOS, THEODORE [Claim for Special Benefit - Theodore Maragos] 1968 - 1968
B4794 MOGIC, ELLA [Claim for Special Benefit - Ella Mogic] 1965 - 1965
B4794 TUKAVKIN, ALEXANDRA [Claim for Special Benefit - Alexandra Tukavkin] 1962 - 1967
B4794 GARCIA, MAXIMO [Claim for Special Benefit - Maximo Garcia] 1964 - 1966
B4794 CHERNIH, MICHAEL [Claim for Special Benefit - Michael Chernih] 1964 - 1966
B4794 PRICE, VICTORIA [Claim for Special Benefit - Victoria Price] 1969 - 1970
B4794 BRENCICH, LUCIA [Claim for Special Benefit - Lucia Brencich] 1967 - 1968
B4794 MATAFONOV, ANA [Claim for Special Benefit - Ana Matafonov] 1963 - 1968
B4794 YAKIMOFF, VLADIMIR [Claim for Special Benefit - Vladimir Yakimoff 1963 - 1967
B4794 BURNS, GEORGINA [Claim for Special Benefit - Georgina Burns] 1968 - 1969
B4794 WHITE, GWENDOLINE [Claim for Special Benefit - Gwendoline White] 1966 - 1968
B4794 YAKIMOV, FYODOR [Claim for Special Benefit - Fyodor Yakimov] 1963 - 1968
B4794 VEITENHEIMER, ISABELLA [Claim for Special Benefit - Isabella Veitenheimer] 1959 - 1964