
Photographs, alphabetical series


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series C1748
Title Photographs, alphabetical series
Contents dates 01 Jan 1911 - 31 Dec 1975
Items described 16557
Items digitised 19
Recording agencies
  • CA 34, Department of Information, Central Office
    01 Jan 1945 - 16 Mar 1950
  • CA 219, Australian News and Information Bureau, Canberra
    16 Mar 1950 - 31 Dec 1969
  • CA 1665, Australian News and Information Bureau, Press Editorial Office, New South Wales
    31 Dec 1969 - 31 Dec 1970
Controlling agencies
  • CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office
    24 Jul 1987 -
  • NSW (17.19m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
C1748 ABORIGINES/L2356 TITLE: Pointing bone used to produce death-dealing spell on an enemy CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer Ken Dicker FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1946 - 31 Dec 1946
C1748 ABORIGINES/L83472 TITLE: Kurdaitcha [Kadaitcha] shoes CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer Michael Brown FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1969 - 31 Dec 1969
C1748 ABORIGINES/L2358 TITLE: Center object is known as a "bull roarer" CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer Ken Dicker FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1946 - 31 Dec 1946
C1748 ABORIGINES/L8606B TITLE: Explanation of L8606 CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer G Crib FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
C1748 ABORIGINES L2360 TITLE: Neckless composed of dogs tails worn by girls during initiation CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer Ken Dicker FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1946 - 31 Dec 1946
C1748 ABORIGINES/L17206 TITLE: Ceremonial poles used in the Arawaltja ceremony at Grotto Eylandt CATEGORY: photograph FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1948 - 31 Dec 1948
C1748 ABORIGINES/L8604A TITLE: Explanation of L8604 CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer G Crib FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
C1748 ABORIGINES/L8603 TITLE: Stone Touring CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer G Crib FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
C1748 ABORIGINES/L8602B TITLE: Stone Touring CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer G Crib FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
C1748 ABORIGINES/L8598 TITLE: Kadaitcha shoes CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer G Crib FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
C1748 ABORIGINES/L3369 TITLE: Type of burial tree CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer Jack Gallagher FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1949 - 31 Dec 1949
C1748 ABORIGINES/L2357 TITLE: Types of "pointing bone" to produce a death-dealing spell on an enemy CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer Ken Dicker FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1946 - 31 Dec 1946
C1748 ABORIGINES/L3368 TITLE: Ceremonial tree with human figure cut into the trunk CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer Jack Gallagher FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1949 - 31 Dec 1949
C1748 ABORIGINES/L66849 TITLE: Spiked killer or war boomerang, two decorated bull roarers, barbed spear, feathered dancing pole, didjeridoo, and a woomera CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer A Ooziness FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1911 - 31 Dec 1975
C1748 ABORIGINES L2359 TITLE: Neckless composed of dogs tails worn by girls during initiation CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer Ken Dicker FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1946 - 31 Dec 1946
C1748 ABORIGINES/L17205 TITLE: Aborigines holding two sacred poles used in the Arawaltja ceremony, Grotto Eylandt CATEGORY: photograph FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1948 - 31 Dec 1948
C1748 ABORIGINES/L8604B TITLE: Wooden Touring [very old] CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer G Crib FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
C1748 ABORIGINES/L8606 TITLE: Two stone tjuringas CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer G Crib FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
C1748 ABORIGINES/L8600 TITLE: Bone pointer CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer G Crib FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
C1748 ABORIGINES/L8603B TITLE: Stone Touring CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer G Crib FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1947