
Correspondence files, single number series with 'N' (New South Wales) prefix


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series C3939
Title Correspondence files, single number series with 'N' (New South Wales) prefix
Contents dates 01 Jan 1952 - 01 Jan 1977
Items described 2066
Items digitised 53
Recording agencies
  • CA 957, Department of Immigration, New South Wales Branch
    01 Jan 1952 - 12 Jun 1974
  • CA 1995, Immigration Group, Department of Labor and Immigration, Regional Administration, New South Wales
    12 Jun 1974 - 22 Dec 1975
  • CA 1968, Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs [I], Regional Administration, New South Wales
    22 Dec 1975 - 01 Jan 1977
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9461, Department of Immigration and Border Protection, New South Wales State Office
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • NSW (38.7m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
C3939 N1962/75165 PART 1 Immigration - Adoption of Children Under Australian Law 1952 - 1977
C3939 N1955/25/75307 Immigration - Social Welfare Work in Centres and Hostels Reports Investigations etc 1953 - 1963
C3939 N1957/75066 PART 30 Immigration - Lists of naturalization applications for minister's approval [6.0cm; box 75] 1968 - 1968
C3939 N1970/75572 Immigration - Work documentation - Naturalisation section [1.0cm; box 7] 1970 - 1972
C3939 N1965/75244 Immigration - passport and visa work on behalf of Singapore [box 198] 1965 - 1966
C3939 N1972/75063 PART 19 Immigration - General enquiries for naturalisation [5.5cm; box 9] 1977 - 1978
C3939 N1958/75112 PART 12 Immigration - Councils Good Neighbour Council [box 98] 1970 - 1971
C3939 N1958/75183 PART 2 Immigration - Miscellaneous Correspondence Social Workers 1952 - 1977
C3939 N1971/75221 Immigration - Authority Cards (Identity) [3.0cm] 1969 - 1977
C3939 N1957/75246 PART VI Immigration - nationality character checks of former NSW residents applying for naturalisation in other states [2.0cm; box 90] 1967 - 1969
C3939 N1954/25/75685 PART 2 Immigration - whereabouts of aliens (migrant addresses) [box 4] 1969 - 1969
C3939 N1958/75112 PART 8 Immigration - Councils, Good Neighbour Council [box 97] 1966 - 1967
C3939 N1969/75293 Immigration - Department of Education and Science - Liaison with 1969 - 1977
C3939 N1955/25/75679 Immigration - Return of Aliens Admitted State Hospital and Homes [Box 39] 1952 - 1977
C3939 N1956/75117 Immigration - Assisted migration - request for confirmation of arrival of assisted migrants [2.0cm; box 71] 1971 - 1974
C3939 N1961/75075 PART 2 Immigration - Applications for Australian Citizenship - Statistics and Returns 1967 - 1969
C3939 N1963/75049 PART 2 Immigration - Enquiries from Migrants re Assimilation 1965 - 1966