
Investigation case files, single number series with 'SA' (South Australia) prefix


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series D1915
Title Investigation case files, single number series with 'SA' (South Australia) prefix
Contents dates 01 Jan 1910 - 31 Dec 1987
Items described 4882
Items digitised 156
Recording agencies
  • CA 2919, Commonwealth Police Force [I]
    01 Jan 1919 - 01 Nov 1919
  • CA 905, Investigation Branch, South Australia
    01 Nov 1919 - 08 Aug 1946
  • CA 914, Commonwealth Investigation Service, South Australia
    08 Aug 1946 - 21 Apr 1960
  • CA 4716, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, South Australia
    21 Apr 1960 - 31 Dec 1960
Controlling agencies
  • CA 6993, Australian Federal Police, Adelaide Office
    01 Jan 1986 -
  • ACT (0.18m)
  • SA (28.98m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
D1915 SA2476 FERRARI Ernesto - naturalization 1933 - 1945
D1915 SA1929 ISRAEL David M - naturalization 1928 - 1937
D1915 SA1601 ISRAEL, Mardoch Naturalization 1926 - 1940
D1915 SA4060 CICCARELLO Giuseppe - naturalisation 1940 - 1955
D1915 SA12267 SCUTELLA Giovanni - application for naturalisation 1943 - 1951
D1915 SA1947 ROSING J Russian Trade Representative 1928 - 1929
D1915 SA11999 MACH Maxmilian - application for naturalization 1940 - 1945
D1915 SA2493 HADOW DP - alleged breach Air Navigation Regulations 1930 - 1930
D1915 SA1028 Mrs WANZEK - deceased - desire of Mrs MACEY to bring children to Australia 1924 - 1943
D1915 SA2622 MURRAY Mrs J - otherwise WESLEY Annie 1928 - 1930
D1915 SA2602 GALWEY Edward - Australian birth ? 1930 - 1930
D1915 SA1926 JUST Anna-Louise - naturalization 1928 - 1943
D1915 SA1899 HEATON William - Communist on 'Euripides' 1928 - 1928
D1915 SA11507 LO CICERO Salvatore - application for naturalisation 1943 - 1946
D1915 SA4353 PISANI Domenico 1937 - 1949
D1915 SA2456 KALLINICOS Gerasimos - admission of son 1930 - 1930
D1915 SA4126 KREBBERS Frederic Joseph - naturalisation 1935 - 1941
D1915 SA5137 ROSITANO Diego - admission of brother - naturalization 1940 - 1952
D1915 SA3424 BONIN Orazio - Queensland naturalization inquiry 1932 - 1950
D1915 SA3271 DE GIOIA Sergio - naturalization 1941 - 1947