
Correspondence files, annual single number series with PL prefix


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series D2952
Title Correspondence files, annual single number series with PL prefix
Contents dates 01 Jan 1979 - 25 Feb 1982
Items described 122
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 5924, Australian National Railways Commission, Port Lincoln [South Australia]
    01 Jan 1979 - 01 Jan 1982
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9427, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Central Office
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • NSW (0.81m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
D2952 PL143/1980 Edillilie - 150mm AC water main under railway account EWS Department [Location plan - Scale 1:2 000, Drawing number WR 26-80 - 150mm AC main - Railway crossing - Edillilie Township - Hundred of Mortlock showing: [1] Site plan - Scale 1:3 168, [2] Location plan - Scale 1:200, [3] Pipe details - Scale 1:10, [4] Section at railway crossing - Scale 1:50] 1980 - 1982
D2952 CR809/1979 Edillilie - Pipe and cable under railway account Telecom Australia [51.553km, Telecom Australia Proposal number W548 - Edillilie excavation under railway - Hundred of Mortlock, Series identification to be confirmed] 1979 - 1979
D2952 PL10/1981 Darke Peak - EWS water pipe under railway 1981 - 1984
D2952 PL149/1979 Approximately 19km near Coomunga - Provide sleeper decking on Occupational Crossing - Reimbursement Highways Department 1979 - 1980
D2952 PL5/1980 Ceduna and Thevenard - common Effluent Drainage Scheme [Various sketches of plans for effluent pipes and septic tanks, Site plan of Thevenard Station Yard - Scale 1:480, Plan number Y72/8 - Port Lincoln Division - Provision of all purpose septic tank and French drain in Cottage 160 - Scale 1" = 40', Sketch of Cottages 22 and 23 at Thevenard - Proposed and existing power outlets] 1979 - 1986
D2952 PL63/1980 Thevenard Line - 430.500 level crossing [Collins Street] - EWS water pipe under track [Drawing number WR 6-80 - 150mm AC main Railway Crossing Ceduna - Scales: Section of railway crossing 1:50 / Pipe details 1:10 / Location plan 1:1 000 / Site plan 1:3 168] 1980 - 1983
D2952 PL27/1981 Thevenard Line - 247.72km - Telecom conduit under track [Drawing showing location of proposed conduit] 1981 - 1981
D2952 PL36/1981 Thevenard Line - Telecom conduits under railway at 90.263km, 85.715km, 90.100km and 77.922km [Drawing number WE438 - 2 Sheets - Yeelanna - Combined facesheet major and minor works South and West of Yeelanna exchange, Drawing number WS22 - 2 Sheets - Yeelanna-Cummins - Replace faulty cable to customers west of Yeelanna plus upgrade Division 1 lines North of Yeelanna, There are also several other drawings within file showing details of cabling - all on same base plan] 1981 - 1982
D2952 PL112/1980 Signal and communication employees - Transfer to Loco Foreman 1980 - 1981
D2952 PL15/1979 364.5km - YH 4909 trailing wheels undergear collapse and sebsequent derailment, number 19 Goods 9/2/79 [Number 19 Goods was working Port Lincoln to Thevenard, Drawing number 8848 of fabricated axle box, Photographs of damaged fabricated axle box] 1979 - 1979
D2952 PL46/1980 Penong - Extension to siding [Drawing of proposed extension to siding at Penong - Scale 1:480, Sketch of proposed extension to siding] 1980 - 1983
D2952 PL78/1981 Cottages - General - Surplus for return to STA 1977 - 1984
D2952 PL26/1981 Employment of an Aboriginal in the Divisional Store - Port Lincoln - under the National Employment Strategy for Aboriginals Scheme [Empty file cover - contents transferred to file PL75] 1981 - 1981
D2952 PL50/1980 Test Train - Three 830 Class Locomotives 1980 - 1982
D2952 PL52/1980 Pearlah - Retain Train Control Phone 1980 - 1980
D2952 PL136/1980 Wudinna - Request from Lions Club to beautify a section of Railway Reserve [Plan of Wudinna showing area to be beautified - Scale 1:3 168] 1980 - 1982
D2952 PL25/1980 Port Lincoln Division - Ballast supplies 1980/1981 [Photograph of Thevenard Line North of Minnipa, Several other photographs of roadways and track layouts, Diagram showing proposed ballast in rural area, Drawing of Rudall Station Yard - Scale 1" = 40'] 1980 - 1980
D2952 PL115/1981 Proposed closure of Innes Avenue level crossing [Newspaper article reporting proposed closure of Innes Avenue crossing, plan showing location of crossing - Thevenard Station Yard] 1981 - 1982
D2952 PL4/1981 Port Lincoln Depot Storehouse [Drawing showing Port Lincoln Store - site for new Gas Bottle Storage facility [Diagram of Steps - side view, Diagram of Steps - Guard rail side view, Diagram of Step tread chair detail, Diagram of Steps - front view, Diagram of Steps - connecting top of steps to platform, Drawing number C84/20 - Port Lincoln - Gas storage shed - chainmesh panel details showing: SHEET 1 OF 2 - [1] Gas storage building - typical frame - Scale 1:20, [2] Ladder detail - Not to scale, [3] Gas storage buildings floor plan - Scale 1:50, [4] Locality plan - Scale 1:20, [5] Section plan - Scale 1:20, [6] Elevation diagrams, SHEET 2 OF 2 - [1] Elevation of access to gas storage, [2] Sliding panel, [3] Attachment of fixed panel to posts - Scale 1:5, [4] Hanger and slide details - Scale 1:5, [5] Plan, [6] Locking device for gate - Scale 1:2, Further plans: Sketch of Old Station Shed - side view, Diagram of Port Lincoln Station Yard showing location of new shed site - Scale 1:200] 1980 - 1984
D2952 PL84/1980 Yantanabie - Closing of siding 1980 - 1981