
Northern Territory Welfare Branch case files, South Australia and Northern Territory, single number within variable alpha prefix


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series D4082
Title Northern Territory Welfare Branch case files, South Australia and Northern Territory, single number within variable alpha prefix
Contents dates 01 Jan 1957 - 31 Dec 1973
Items described 782
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 6571, Welfare Branch, Northern Territory Administration, Adelaide/ (from 1972 also known as Welfare Division)
    01 Jan 1963 - 19 Dec 1972
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9427, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Central Office
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • NT (6.48m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
D4082 WB419 Edward Dante 1963 - 1963
D4082 WB364 Colin Graham 1964 - 1966
D4082 WB422 Micky Dunne 1962 - 1963
D4082 AO452 Terry Hayes 1973 - 1973
D4082 WB440 Jimmy Ngumpa 1963 - 1963
D4082 AO227 Kenneth SWAN 1971 - 1971
D4082 AO215 Barry David Cottrell 1970 - 1971
D4082 SA12-2/PS PART 3 Maintenance of patients in Hillcrest Hospital 1970 - 1973
D4082 WB299 Phillip Jan 1963 - 1963
D4082 WB674 John Jurgen ( Stuart - John McDowall ) 1966 - 1966
D4082 WB445 Uriyara Rami 1961 - 1962
D4082 WB227 Casarina 1961 - 1967
D4082 WB417 Harold Bray 1962 - 1966
D4082 WB785 Alfred George Dann 1967 - 1967
D4082 WB826 Judith Kay 1968 - 1969
D4082 WB449 Mrs F [ Phyllis ] J [ Jean ] Woolfitt 1963 - 1967
D4082 WB246 Cheryl Sultan 1962 - 1963
D4082 WB392 Helmut Klatt 1963 - 1964
D4082 WB786 Andy Kelantumama 1967 - 1967
D4082 WB307 Bruce Gordon 1963 - 1966