
Historical records relating to Customs and Excise, South Australia


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series D5063
Title Historical records relating to Customs and Excise, South Australia
Contents dates 01 Jan 1828 - 31 Dec 1990
Items described 181
Items digitised 13
Recording agencies
  • CA 802, Australian Customs Service, State Administration, South Australia
    01 Jan 1841 - 31 Dec 1995
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9532, Australian Border Force, South Australian Regional Office
    21 Nov 2015 -
  • SA (14.65m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
D5063 NN Department of Business and Consumer Affairs - Administrative procedures 1978 - 1983
D5063 361 Australian Customs Service - Collectors Conference - Sydney 1986 - 1986
D5063 693 Australian Customs - Collectors Conference - Melbourne 1979 - 1979
D5063 689 Department of Customs and Excise - Conference of Collectors - Sydney 1974 - 1974
D5063 691 Australian Customs Service - Collectors Conference - Perth 1977 - 1977
D5063 133 Australian Customs - Collectors' Conference - Brisbane - Quueensland 1987 - 1987
D5063 NN Collectors and Acting Collectors of Customs - South Australia - [includes] Appointments[1837-1985] - Proclaimed sea-ports of S A - Gazettal details & subsequent actions[1837-1973] - Notes on General information on Reports from the Committee of the Legislative Council of S A[1843-1857] [includes]manufacturers and works, smuggling, Harbor regulations, port charges, levies on spirits, Colonial tariffs, resources of different states, Petitions to repeal Laws of Customs, Select committee on Law of Distillation, changes to Customs Duty, River Murray Act, levy on Chinese, Correspondence relative to Collection of Customs Duties on River Murray and the assimilation of Colonial Tariffs, differential levy South Australia and New South Wales, tariff and free list - Notes [includes] Customs Department estimates[1842-1865] South Australian Custom and Excise History, Customs Revenue actual [1840-1861] Supplementary estimates [1847-1860] South Australian Outports [1842-1865] 1842 - 1985
D5063 410 Department of Customs and Excise - General system design proposal for - a Computer system to compile Customs entries from Agents terminals 1974 - 1974
D5063 683 Department of Customs and Excise - Conference of Collectors of Customs - Sydney 1968 - 1968
D5063 699 Department of Industry and Commerce - Australian Customs Service - Collectors Conference - Adelaide - South Australia 1984 - 1984
D5063 696 Australian Customs - Collectors Conference - Tasmania 1982 - 1982
D5063 690 Conference of Collector of Customs - Brisbane 1975 - 1975
D5063 692 Australian Customs Service - Collectors Conference - Adelaide 1978 - 1978
D5063 NN Customs Activities Historical Information [includes] Historic Report Buildings - Customs & other buildings Pt Adelaide [photo Customs House] Semaphore Pt Pirie Robe Pt Macdonnell Pt Wakefield Wallaroo Goolwa - Hist Customs Houses Pt Adelaide in Customs Agents Institute Journal - loose photocopies - Hist of Customs House Pt Adelaide - Copy Historic Building Report, notes & newspaper clippings - Plans Institute Building, Semaphore Customs House & Main Switchboard Institute - Hist Customs and Excise in S A in The Customs House Magazine - Photocopy plans original Institute Building and Semaphore Customs House - Acquisition proposal Semaphore Boarding Station as Customs museum - Collectors of Customs - Press cuttings Murray Bridge [1984] - Early Customs and Excise - PreFederation Hist Customs and Excise S A - Bonded Warehouse[1887] SA Instructions to Customs Officers[1880] Vic Customs Handbook Importers Guide, Hist Trade & Customs - Outports, PSA Annual Report 1873 - 1984
D5063 403 Conference of Collectors of Customs - held at Hobart 1976 - 1976
D5063 694 Australian Customs - Sydney 1980 - 1980
D5063 754 Customs and Excise - instructions to Registrars of British Ships - under the Merchant Shipping Acts and a list of Merchant shipping fees 1978 - 1981
D5063 698 Department of Industry and Commerce - Australian Customs Service - Perth - Western Australia 1983 - 1983