
Census files, alphabetical series (by location)


closed files

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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series E944
Title Census files, alphabetical series (by location)
Contents dates 01 Jan 1953 -
Items described 409
Items digitised 16
Recording agencies
  • CA 1076, Welfare Branch
    01 Jan 1960 - 31 Dec 1970
  • CA 2835, Welfare Division
    01 Jan 1970 - 31 Dec 1972
  • CA 2836, Department of Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Territory Division/ (by 1974) Regional Office/ (from 1988) State Office, Northern Territory - Aboriginal Population Records
    01 Jan 1972 -
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9063, Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination, Northern Territory Office
    01 Jul 2005 -
  • NT (6.12m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
E944 AMOONGUNA 2 [Census Report - Amoonguna - Aboriginal Records Part 2] 1967 - 1968
E944 NGUIU 2 [Census Report - Nguiu (Bathurst Island) 2] 1979 - 1981
E944 UMBAKUMBA [ Census Report - Umbakumba ] 1969 - 1976
E944 GROOTE EYLANDT 2 [Census Report - Groote Eylandt 2] 1976 - 1976
E944 CANNON HILL NAMARRGANANGA [Census Report - Namarrgananga Cannon Hill Oenpelli Outstation] 1982 - 1982
E944 PORT KEATS 1 [Census Report - Port Keats 1] 1981 - 1981
E944 16 MILE CAMP [Census Report - 16 Mile Camp] 1979 - 1979
E944 AMOONGUNA 1 [Census Report - Amoonguna] 1968 - 1971
E944 HOOKER CREEK 1 [Census Report - Hooker Creek 1] 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
E944 COOINDA JIM JIM [Census Report - Cooinda Jim Jim] 1978 - 1982
E944 PINE HILL [Census Report - Pine Hill] 1981 - 1981
E944 OENPELLI 3 [Census Report - Oenpelli 3] 1977 - 1977
E944 BELYUEN [Census Report - Belyuen] 1963 - 1981