
Correspondence files, annual single number series [Main correspondence files series of the agency]


closed files

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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series F1
Title Correspondence files, annual single number series [Main correspondence files series of the agency]
Contents dates 01 Jan 1923 -
Items described 17573
Items digitised 550
Recording agencies
  • CA 1072, Office of Administrator, Northern Territory [I]
    01 Jan 1915 - 01 Feb 1927
  • CA 1071, Office of Government Resident, North Australia
    01 Jan 1927 - 31 Dec 1931
  • CA 1070, [Northern Territory] Administrator, Northern Territory [II] - Central Registry
    01 Jan 1931 - 31 Dec 1973
  • CA 1484, Department of the Northern Territory [I] , Central Office - Central Registry
    01 Jan 1973 - 06 Jun 1975
  • CA 1889, Department of Northern Australia, Central Office
    06 Jun 1975 - 22 Dec 1975
  • CA 1958, Department of the Northern Territory [II], Central Office - Central Registry
    22 Dec 1975 - 28 Sep 1978
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9063, Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination, Northern Territory Office - Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination, Northern Territory Office
    01 Jul 2005 -
  • CA 9427, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Central Office
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • ACT (0.86m)
  • NT (305.37m)
  • QLD (7.2m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
F1 1975/3309 Monthly returns of prisoners due for discharge - Alice Springs Gaol 1971 - 1973
F1 1962/3255 State Children's Council - Carroll Family 1953 - 1963
F1 1957/1444 State Children's Council Stanley Davies 1957 - 1958
F1 1972/6948 Aboriginal traditional sites - Barrow Creek (1:250000) - (64) 1970 - 1973
F1 1960/2294 Welfare Branch - Annual Report 1960 - 1964
F1 1961/233 George Sleis [portion of title exempt] 1960 - 1963
F1 1966/4790 [ Title Expunged ] - Kangaroo Banmara - Wave Hill 1959 - 1969
F1 1956/1804 State Children's Council Sandra Lucas 1956 - 1957
F1 1956/889 [Name Withheld] East Arm Settlement Alleged Stabbing of [Name Withheld] 1956 - 1956
F1 1962/3254 State Children's Council Patricia Thomas - Deceased Patrick Thomas - Merle June Thomas 1953 - 1963
F1 1952/1127 State Childrens Council Le Rossignol Denise 1952 - 1952
F1 1970/1005 Access Ways and Garages - Wood Street Flats 1959 - 1969
F1 1957/779 State Childrens Council - Briston Lorraine 1957 - 1957
F1 1954/647 State Childrens Council - Janet Pearce, Pamela Pearce, Harold J Thomas and Lana L Thomas 1953 - 1959
F1 1967/2365 Compilation of Half Yearly Child Welfare Statistics 1967 - 1971
F1 1952/1041 State Children's Council for Northern Territory Ryan Colin 1951 - 01 Jan 1951
F1 1956/561 State Childrens Council Denise Rosewall 1955 - 1956
F1 1959/1416 Child Welfare Ordinance Section 36 Children Committed to Care of Director of Child Welfare 1958 - 1963
F1 1956/1361 Welfare Branch [word exempt] of baby Hague 1956 - 1959
F1 1945/94 Lunatics 1940 - 1948