
Personal case files, single number series with 'X' and other letter prefixes


closed files

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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series K26
Title Personal case files, single number series with 'X' and other letter prefixes
Contents dates 01 Jan 1930 -
Items described 5903
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 880, Deputy Commissioner of Repatriation, Western Australia
    01 Jan 1956 - 05 Oct 1976
  • CA 2370, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Branch Office, Western Australia
    05 Oct 1976 -
Controlling agencies
  • CA 2370, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Branch Office, Western Australia
    05 Oct 1976 -
  • WA (2053.89m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
K26 MX31438 William Rex HILLER 1941 - 1990
K26 MX20455 William Perry 1941 - 1993
K26 CX20226 Harold Charles Poland 1945 - 1973
K26 MX38376 VOL 1 MacLennan Kenneth Thomas 1939 - 1974
K26 MX19661 Walter Alexander Fowles 1941 - 1985
K26 MX72595 John Luke HANNAGAN 1940 - 1989
K26 MX11999 Keith Tonkin McLennan 1940 - 1990
K26 MX464 William James Dalton Lynas 1941 - 1949
K26 MX52400 VOL 5 Oscar Desmond Drew 1960 - 1986
K26 MX65501 JOHNSON William Frederick 1939 - 1991
K26 MX27819 WARD Valentine Greville WX28080 1944 - 1998
K26 MX1414 VOL 1 ALEXANDER Joshua Emmanuel 1941 - 1963
K26 HX3130 VOL 1 WILLIAM JOSEPH O'BRIEN 1945 - 1988
K26 MX48490 Jess Joseph Hemsley 1941 - 1983
K26 RX27856 V2 BREARLEY Richard Sharp WX19554 1967 - 1994
K26 MX9197 VOL 1 ROUSE TJ 1939 - 1986
K26 HX10926 VOL 1 Stanley Robert West 1945 - 1978
K26 HX36339 Ronald Gordon Dorrington [WX 22599, DOE 14/9/1943] 1946 - 1984
K26 MX34335 George Thomas Poland 1945 - 1963
K26 HX4538 Daniel Norton 1944 - 1992