
Correspondence files, annual single number series


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series K38
Title Correspondence files, annual single number series
Contents dates 01 Jan 1946 -
Items described 1001
Items digitised 11
Recording agencies
  • CA 1761, Department of Labour and National Service, Branch Office/Regional Administration, Western Australia
    13 Dec 1954 - 19 Dec 1972
  • CA 1760, Department of Labour, Regional Administration, Western Australia
    19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
  • CA 2322, Labor Group, Department of Labor and Immigration, Regional Administration, Western Australia
    12 Jun 1974 - 22 Dec 1975
  • CA 2325, Department of Employment and Industrial Relations [I], Regional Administration, Western Australia
    22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
  • CA 2762, Department of Employment and Youth Affairs, Regional Administration, Western Australia
    05 Dec 1978 - 07 May 1982
  • CA 3542, Department of Employment and Industrial Relations [II], Regional Administration, Western Australia
    07 May 1982 - 24 Jul 1987
  • CA 6670, Department of Employment, Education and Training, Employment Division, Western Australian
    24 Jul 1987 - 01 Jul 1994
  • CA 7989, Department of Employment, Education and Training, Area Office, Western Australia North
    01 Jul 1994 - 11 Mar 1996
  • CA 8328, Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Area Office North, Western Australia
    11 Mar 1996 - 05 Aug 1996
  • CA 8346, Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Area Office, Area Western Australia
    05 Aug 1996 - 30 Apr 1998
  • CA 8510, Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Western Australia State Office
    30 Apr 1998 - 21 Oct 1998
  • CA 8815, Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business, Western Australian Regional Office
    21 Oct 1998 - 26 Nov 2001
  • CA 8914, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Western Australia State Office
    26 Nov 2001 - 03 Dec 2007
  • CA 9271, The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Western Australia State Office
    03 Dec 2007 - 18 Sep 2013
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9456, Department of Employment, State Office, Western Australia
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • WA (75.24m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
K38 1980/1002 CES [Commonwealth Employment Service] manual volume 2, job seeker services, revision and amendments [Department of Labour/Education] 1980 - 1981
K38 1987/1271 Conferences and meetings - boards and committees - CES [Commonwealth Employment Service] migrant services advisory committee [Department of Labour/Employment] 1987 - 1988
K38 1980/1006 CES [Commonwealth Employment Service] manual volume 6 'benefits' revision and amendments [Department of Labour/Employment] 1980 - 1982
K38 1980/1086 Commonwealth Employment Service (administration) CES offices - procedures and instructions [Department of Labour/Employment] 1980 - 1983
K38 1980/445 Staff training and development - CES [Commonwealth Employment Service] training activities reports [Department of Labour/Employment] 1975 - 1983
K38 1980/1004 CES [Commonwealth Employment Service] manual volume 4 'Employer Services' revision and amendments [Department of Labour/Education] 1980 - 1982
K38 1980/817 Commonwealth Employment Service (administratoin) CES representation Belmont [Department of Labour/Employment] 1975 - 1984
K38 1987/1120 Labour market programs - training for Aboriginals - community development employment projects (CDEP) for Aboriginals policy and procedure [Department of Labour/Employment] 1987 - 1989
K38 1987/1800 Commonwealth Employment Service (administration) CES manual volume 4 'employer services' revision and amendments [Department of Labour/Employment] 1982 - 1988
K38 1980/154 Manpower programs work information centres (WIC's) in CES [Commonwealth Employment Service] offices - policy and procedure [Department of Labour/Employment] 1980 - 1983
K38 1980/387 Commonwealth Employment Service (administration) CES commerce offices - establishment and operations [Department of Labour/Employment] 1980 - 1981
K38 1980/1007 CES [Commonwealth Employment Service] manual volume 7 'programmes' revision and amendments [Department of Labour/Employment] 1979 - 1981
K38 82/0654 Employment services - nursing vacancies in Western Australia - circulation of details to the CES [Commonwealth Employment Service] [Department of Employment and Industrial Relations] 1981 - 1982
K38 1980/650 CES [Commonwealth Employment Service] planning strategy [Department of Labour/Employment] 1980 - 1983
K38 1980/1008 Commonwealth Employment Service (administration) - CES manual volume 8 'CES Promotion' revision and amendments [Department of Labour/Employment] 1981 - 1983
K38 1983/784 Labour force programs - work information centres (WIC's) in CES [Commonwealth Employment Service] offices - policy and procedure [Department of Labour/Employment] 1983 - 1985
K38 1980/1248 Commonwealth Employment Service (administration) - proposed CES representation North Perth [Department of Labour/Employment] 1980 - 1981
K38 1980/1005 Commonwealth Employment Service (administration) CES [Commonwealth Employment Service] manual volume 5 'statistics' revision and amendments [Department of Labour/Employment] 1980 - 1980
K38 1983/435 Employment services - Christmas Island migrant entry scheme - policy [Department of Labour/Employment] 1978 - 1982
K38 1983/547 Commonwealth Employment Service (administration) CES agents - policy and procedure [Department of Labour/Employment] 1977 - 1985